Gotta think long and hard about this ballot pause
You got some love from me brodie ๐ฏ๐ฏ
You got some love from me brodie ๐ฏ๐ฏ
That's real bro thanks
Migos fam runs deep
How are we voting all nba? @val
How are we voting all nba? @val
Its gonna be on the main ballot with the nominees set
Yeah thats how i did it last year
i deleted that post cuz im high as hell and it seemed like a dumb idea
but noted bro i may use that idk yet
i voted did u ? also was there no ROTY?
i deleted that post cuz im high as hell and it seemed like a dumb idea
but noted bro i may use that idk yet
Add worst avi
Some awful avis that must be called out
The 2020-2021 NBA Thread Awards
Biggest Homer - The MetaphoricalOne award: @Keeksmarone
Most Likely To Get Stuffed In A Locker: @Womanpuncher69
Worst Music Taste: @The_Man
Best fam: Lakers
Worst fam: Hawks
Most Racist - The Jr523 award: @Stan
Worst Taste In Women: @Billiam @Lightsxo
Funniest poster: @Mechanical
Most knowledgeable: @Junior
Least Knowledgeable: @psalm_west
King Casual - The GroovyU award: Presented by Febreeze: @psalm_west
Nicest Poster: @Billiam @Lightsxo
Meanest Poster: @Vicky_ @โYDB
Most Underrated Poster: @Gyro @KoGoYos (cowinners)
Angriest Poster: Synopshit
Best Beef: Synop vs. society
Most Negative: Synop (Got 40 votes, 49 votes total )
Most Influential: Stern @Synopsis_lol
King S***poster: @val
Mr. Irrelevant: 26ix and Turbo @โXxNightCore187Xx @psalm_west
Most sus: @Mechanical
Horniest: @Morganomics
Worst Gimmick: @Keeksmarone
Best avy's: @First_Take
Worst avy's: @val
Worst opinions: Nikedon
Cutest NBA Fam Couple: @Mechanical and @DonJulio ๐ณ๏ธโ๐๐ณ๏ธโ๐
Most Improved: @First_Take
The David Stern Thread MVP Award: @The_Man
LVP: @DaRealHeebz
NBA FAM All-Thread 1st team:
@DonJulio - 109
@RDBarrett - 90
@val - 83
@ReturnofStealth - 75
@Synopsis_lol - 66
NBA FAM All-Thread 2nd team:
@The_Man (mvp but 2nd team ) - 62
@Unity - 58
@Slingshot - 56
@BabyBooz - 53
@Junior - 51
NBA FAM All-Thread 3rd team:
@Gyro - 50
@Thebigbelts_ - 33
@โYe24 - 32
@Mechanical - 26
Why the f*** am I not in the list @op