  • Oct 27, 2019
    1 reply

    kanye is making it cool to praise God, duh lol

    I think it’s having the opposite affect to most fam

  • PIMP 💿
    Oct 27, 2019
    1 reply

    This album is 9/10 selah is the only song holding it from being a 10.

    no, God Is

  • Oct 27, 2019

    I think it’s having the opposite affect to most fam

    i think you'd be surprised

  • Oct 28, 2019
    1 reply

    no, God Is

    God is is arguably soty

  • Oct 28, 2019
    1 reply

    Can you expand on how it is awakening society? It seems like one of the biggest criticisms are how shallow the execution was on the topics explored on the album ie; faith, god, etc

    He's bringing positive faith to the masses which goes against the industry agenda

  • Oct 28, 2019
    · edited

    My personal rating would be a 7 out of 10
    but what it is doing to awaken society is a 10 out of 10
    This is part of the modern day bible
    Notice the ones that hate it add curse words to denounce it
    inner demons

    Back when they thought pink Polos would hurt the Roc
    (changed the rap game)

    Back when gospel music had no beats to rock
    (changed the gospel genre)

    actually can listen to gospel music now



    everyone on this thread saying you're crazy will love this album just like they love yeezus now, if you hate this album because of Christianity, you really hate yourself. Get some help before its too late

  • Oct 28, 2019
    1 reply

    d e l u s i o n

    you are delusional, go back to ktt1 loser

  • Oct 28, 2019

    It’s definitely a 10 with the purpose it’s trying to achieve. Not every verse or songs has to go hard, Ye is done trying to please everyone he has a message to deliver. And IMO the Water “verse” is perfect for the album and especially that song.

    Agree with op

    this is getting confusing.

    how are we even rating albums now? are we judging it based on its purpose? the conciseness and clearness of the message? what about the music itself? a lot of this stuff can only be understood with time.

    the album itself is very clearly rushed and unfinished (still bops tho) and that definitely detracts from this being anything close to a 10.

  • Oct 28, 2019
    hot pancakes

    The album could never be a 10 with that water verse

    This. And "God Is" is pretty much unlistenable.

  • Oct 28, 2019
    1 reply

    “modern day bible”
    “awaken society”

    wouldnt be a day in ye sxn without the over top hyperbolic obnoxious bullshit would it

  • Oct 28, 2019
    1 reply

    “modern day bible”
    “awaken society”

    wouldnt be a day in ye sxn without the over top hyperbolic obnoxious bullshit would it

    This is the album of the decade. Many years from now, in universities in 200 different languages, musical scholars will pour over every word and every note of this masterpiece. It is the apex of music as an art form. It is the culmination of the last 20 years of pop culture, and the most compelling character development arc of the decade.

    A story of struggle against the culture that birthed him. A epoch of redemption. A backlash against the regressive liberalism that has destroyed ever inch of his community. A damnation of popular culture and its values that have poisoned America as a county. A story of love and family and duty and sacrifice.

    This will be looked at as a turning point in American history. This album represents the forefront of the new emerging religious revival that will purge our nation and society of the evil of moral relativism, the sickness of progressivism and its repressive views of what minorities SHOULD believe. This is a rejection of our culture of hedonism, the culture of social stigma, the culture of idolatry of money, fame and status.

    Kanye is the closest to the second coming of Christ himself this great nation will ever see. This album will lead a restoration of our nihilistic and sick society. We are all about to be reborn in the fullest image of Christ and our culture will reject the emptiness and despair that pervades its foundation.


  • Oct 28, 2019
    · edited

    My personal rating would be a 7 out of 10
    but what it is doing to awaken society is a 10 out of 10
    This is part of the modern day bible
    Notice the ones that hate it add curse words to denounce it
    inner demons

    Back when they thought pink Polos would hurt the Roc
    (changed the rap game)

    Back when gospel music had no beats to rock
    (changed the gospel genre)

    actually can listen to gospel music now



    Come on tho cursing has nothing to do with the bible. It says don't use "gods name in vain" like saying "F God" or something. Saying f*** these s*** motherfuck b****asses has nothing to do with religion other than some idiots deciding they wanted to force people to speak differently.

  • Oct 28, 2019

    This is the album of the decade. Many years from now, in universities in 200 different languages, musical scholars will pour over every word and every note of this masterpiece. It is the apex of music as an art form. It is the culmination of the last 20 years of pop culture, and the most compelling character development arc of the decade.

    A story of struggle against the culture that birthed him. A epoch of redemption. A backlash against the regressive liberalism that has destroyed ever inch of his community. A damnation of popular culture and its values that have poisoned America as a county. A story of love and family and duty and sacrifice.

    This will be looked at as a turning point in American history. This album represents the forefront of the new emerging religious revival that will purge our nation and society of the evil of moral relativism, the sickness of progressivism and its repressive views of what minorities SHOULD believe. This is a rejection of our culture of hedonism, the culture of social stigma, the culture of idolatry of money, fame and status.

    Kanye is the closest to the second coming of Christ himself this great nation will ever see. This album will lead a restoration of our nihilistic and sick society. We are all about to be reborn in the fullest image of Christ and our culture will reject the emptiness and despair that pervades its foundation.


    LMAOOOOOOOOO copypasta gold. Great album but idk bout all that, would be nice if society got better.

  • Oct 28, 2019
    1 reply

    you are delusional, go back to ktt1 loser

    Bruh claiming s*** like this album being a 10/10 or his best album is completely delusional. How can you call an album with such glaring flaws perfect? It's just Stan delusion.

  • Oct 28, 2019

    Bruh claiming s*** like this album being a 10/10 or his best album is completely delusional. How can you call an album with such glaring flaws perfect? It's just Stan delusion.

    Explain the flaws? The album is perfect length, stop expecting and complaining when you don't get what you want. The Rolling Stones once said: "You Can't Always Get What You Want." Listen to the words of the almighty Mick Jagger and stop expecting things, you sound like a spoiled millennial

  • Oct 28, 2019
    1 reply

    He's bringing positive faith to the masses which goes against the industry agenda

    How is this “awakening society” tho I didn’t think any of the ideas or takes on faith were exactly groundbreaking lol

  • Oct 28, 2019

    God is is arguably soty


  • Oct 29, 2019
    1 reply

    How is this “awakening society” tho I didn’t think any of the ideas or takes on faith were exactly groundbreaking lol

    It's his reach. It's not cool to listen to gospel. Pretty much ridiculed

  • Oct 29, 2019
    2 replies

    It's his reach. It's not cool to listen to gospel. Pretty much ridiculed

    So he’s endorsing Christianity by associating with it ?
    A cool celebrity being openly Christian is hardly a new concept I’m just missing how this is “awakening” to anyone

  • Oct 29, 2019

    It's really 8/10 or maximum 8,5/10, which is more then great, but the more you listen to it, the more you appreciate it as you begin to see through that overdone religion s***.

  • Oct 29, 2019

    JiK is a classic

  • Oct 29, 2019

    what i haven't gotten out of some of the criticisms is how exactly the lyrics are shallow

    how are you supposed to do gospel lyrics? is having a prayer-like verse in water bad because it doesn't have all the wordplay and double meaning?

    isn't that partially what kanye is talking about in interviews and mentions in closed on sunday -- that people just do things for the culture? in a prayer, is god lookin out for your sick bars? i seriously don't get some of the hate there

    and what's kinda f***ing cool is that the lyricism isn't just praise god. there are extensions into applicability in real life. like Closed on Sunday -- don't do s*** just for culture, gtfo social media (i don't do this enough), spend time with family, build your family. sure the song's premise is that that kinda stuff is in the Lord's name, but it doesn't have to be because those ideas aren't bad ideas.

    everything we need -- yeah it's a simple concept, we have everything we need. but there's an interesting idea there, what if adam n eve put the apple back because they had everything they need? especially given what eating that apple did, it's seriously not a bad consideration and if you aren't dense, you can interpret that to your own livelihood. do you need to act out some of your habitual vices? do you have everything you need?

    hands on is cool. calling out the sect of christians who will compare their faith to yours and all that performative insecure bullshit -- that's important. i ain't been a part of a church really ever, but when i played this all for my mother she responded that the christian stuff he mentioned on Hands On is pretty true to her experience, that some of them really can be the first to judge, despite, well, what scripture may recommend you do.

    "just hold onto your brother when his faith lost" like bruh

    i think this is one of those cases where you get what you give. will you try to work with the material? or is it shallow because the meaning, perhaps the applicability, isn't slammed in your face

  • Oct 29, 2019
    · edited

    My personal rating would be a 7 out of 10
    but what it is doing to awaken society is a 10 out of 10
    This is part of the modern day bible
    Notice the ones that hate it add curse words to denounce it
    inner demons

    Back when they thought pink Polos would hurt the Roc
    (changed the rap game)

    Back when gospel music had no beats to rock
    (changed the gospel genre)

    actually can listen to gospel music now



    Its def at least a 7 imo

  • Oct 29, 2019

    Classic but incomplete

    Side b this December will make it whole

  • Oct 29, 2019

    So he’s endorsing Christianity by associating with it ?
    A cool celebrity being openly Christian is hardly a new concept I’m just missing how this is “awakening” to anyone
    check out 17:54