If something falls out of your rotation, it's forever gone and u have to search it yourself, a weird and brutal cycle. We are f***ed tbh
Do you prefer it being the same repetitive s*** or constantly giving you new stuff whenever you stop going back to your favorites
i lost a post that was talking about hindu bhakti this morning and i spent like half an hour searching for it
I noticed IG stopped showing me hot Asian girls on explore after I was looking at dog videos and car videos
I don’t go to the explore page to see dogs and cars. Now I gotta re calibrate the algo
I always wonder since this s*** is frying us, these young kids man how do they grow from that point, I can usually choose to not embrace the algorithm but these kids, idk man
I noticed IG stopped showing me hot Asian girls on explore after I was looking at dog videos and car videos
I don’t go to the explore page to see dogs and cars. Now I gotta re calibrate the algo
How hot were they that you miss em
I always wonder since this s*** is frying us, these young kids man how do they grow from that point, I can usually choose to not embrace the algorithm but these kids, idk man
I used to believe in the human race now its obvious to me we are our own worst enemy and nothing but a giant meteor WW3 or climate change will stop this vicious cycle
i actively f*** with the algorithm so these companies have a harder time building profiles on me
I used to believe in the human race now its obvious to me we are our own worst enemy and nothing but a giant meteor WW3 or climate change will stop this vicious cycle
Yeah, we had it too good being the only kind of our own, it was inevitable we'd self-destruct cause nothings coming, no God, no "aliens"