  • Apr 8, 2020

    I updated OP with a list of some beautifully mix and mastered albums that I love. I'll be updating the list as time goes on. Also, If anyone got some suggestions, let me know :D

    I'll suggest you couple of modern day albums that are underrated in terms of mixing and I feel are deserve to be up there:

    T.I - Paperwork

    Lupe Fiasco - The Cool (Idk if this audiophile worthy, but to my ears it sounds quite nice)

    Matthew Santos - Into The Further

    You can listen to these albums and let me know of what you think of them, plus if they're worth putting in OP

  • Apr 8, 2020

    Modus Vivendi Is dope af with iem’s, It’d be dope to add on OP

  • Apr 17, 2020
    2 replies

    The new Fiona Apple is WAY up on the list now. Better than Blackstar and arguable at least as good as Random Access Memories.

    Bob Ludwig f***ing KILLED IT

  • Apr 19, 2020

    The new Fiona Apple is WAY up on the list now. Better than Blackstar and arguable at least as good as Random Access Memories.

    Bob Ludwig f***ing KILLED IT

    Gotta give it a listen then

  • May 4, 2020

    Welp I've officially switched to Roon as my music playing program on PC. Been debating it for years but it really is worth it.

  • May 4, 2020
    1 reply

    Just dropping by to say... OP is a legend

  • May 4, 2020
    2 K

    Just dropping by to say... OP is a legend

    Popping in to say so are you fam! <3

  • May 4, 2020

    Sittin in the shade from a long day in the sun, this playing through the headphones atm

    2019 VinylMePlease AAA reissue

  • May 5, 2020
    1 reply

    The new Fiona Apple is WAY up on the list now. Better than Blackstar and arguable at least as good as Random Access Memories.

    Bob Ludwig f***ing KILLED IT

    Any suggestions for a DAC and AMP for the DT1990s?

    I'm looking at the Topping D50s for a dac, Idk about an amp though

    Edit: so I guess the Amp may aswell be the A50 if i'm getting the D50. I heard the Magni and Modi are a good pair too.

  • May 5, 2020

    Any suggestions for a DAC and AMP for the DT1990s?

    I'm looking at the Topping D50s for a dac, Idk about an amp though

    Edit: so I guess the Amp may aswell be the A50 if i'm getting the D50. I heard the Magni and Modi are a good pair too.

    I use the magni and modi and really like it, but I haven't actually compared it to any others. I do know through research that the 1990's do not require a crazy amp and the schiit amp is definitely enough. If you're willing to spend the extra money I guess go for the topping d50 but depending on what you pair it with I think you'll be missing out on the clean and convenient form factor of the schiit stack.

  • May 14, 2020
    2 replies

    Any albums that have come out since 2010 that have amazing mixing / you can appreciate more on high quality speakers compared to low quality ones

  • May 14, 2020
    2 replies
    No English

    Any albums that have come out since 2010 that have amazing mixing / you can appreciate more on high quality speakers compared to low quality ones

    Beyonce - Lemonade
    Daft Punk - Random Access memories
    David Bowie - Blackstar
    Father John Misty - Pure Comedy
    Fiona Apple - Fetch The Bolt Cutters
    Glass Animals - ZABA
    Jamie xx - In Colour
    Nicolas Jaar - Space Is Only Noise
    Portugal. The Man - In the Mountain in the Cloud

  • May 14, 2020

    Beyonce - Lemonade
    Daft Punk - Random Access memories
    David Bowie - Blackstar
    Father John Misty - Pure Comedy
    Fiona Apple - Fetch The Bolt Cutters
    Glass Animals - ZABA
    Jamie xx - In Colour
    Nicolas Jaar - Space Is Only Noise
    Portugal. The Man - In the Mountain in the Cloud

    will check these out on my new high end speakers, thanks

  • HURRY UP sab 🧔🏻
    May 14, 2020


  • May 14, 2020

    Beyonce - Lemonade
    Daft Punk - Random Access memories
    David Bowie - Blackstar
    Father John Misty - Pure Comedy
    Fiona Apple - Fetch The Bolt Cutters
    Glass Animals - ZABA
    Jamie xx - In Colour
    Nicolas Jaar - Space Is Only Noise
    Portugal. The Man - In the Mountain in the Cloud

    was coming in here to big up Space is Only Noise

    real 1

  • May 14, 2020
    No English

    Any albums that have come out since 2010 that have amazing mixing / you can appreciate more on high quality speakers compared to low quality ones

    Matthew Santos - Into The Further is worth checking out

  • May 14, 2020

    Some more stuff from the recent years

    Currents by Tame Impala
    Compton by Dr Dre

  • Jul 16, 2020

    Anyone from cabal club here?

  • Jul 16, 2020

    tag 4 later

  • Jul 16, 2020
    1 reply

    I thought audiophile just meant people who buy expensive speakers / headphones & amps and dacs

  • Jul 16, 2020
    1 reply

    what's better to listen to when the sun is shining than Bob Marley

    The Barry Diament CDs sure are fantastic but imo the vast majority of the tracks sound better on this 1982 German box set, massive differences in some cases. pbthal has been reripping this set recently.

    I also found a German 1st pressing of LIVE! that sounds even better than the German box set version, makes me want the German 1sts of the others, i'ma look for Kaya's soon.

  • Jul 16, 2020

    In af

  • PIMP 💿
    Jul 16, 2020

    To Pimp a Butterfly

    The Slow Rush

    & an underrated pick of Smino - NOIR

    are great mixed albums you should check out with your high quality setups

    & keep an eye out for mixedbyali

  • PIMP 💿
    Jul 16, 2020
    stream evangelion

    I thought audiophile just meant people who buy expensive speakers / headphones & amps and dacs

    Its also bring enthusiastic about high quality sound

    Not just buying it, but enjoying it more

  • Jul 16, 2020

    what's better to listen to when the sun is shining than Bob Marley

    The Barry Diament CDs sure are fantastic but imo the vast majority of the tracks sound better on this 1982 German box set, massive differences in some cases. pbthal has been reripping this set recently.

    I also found a German 1st pressing of LIVE! that sounds even better than the German box set version, makes me want the German 1sts of the others, i'ma look for Kaya's soon.

    yo message dankulo#1111 on discord

    my discord acct got banned
