someone on reddit just found two more song titles
Dial D for Devotion (ft. David Berman)
Gold Sky (ft. Wayne Coyne & Kurt Vile)
Pretty sure there’s also gonna be a song on the album featuring MGMT & Johnny Marr
the concept and themes of this album are so cool but the execution is pretty lacklustre so far imo
only song i like is music makes me high
we will always love you is alright too
have you listened to the singles yet? if so how do you like them? I'm waiting for the full experience myself
also how did you like Wildflower?
wrote about my thoughts on all the singles right above u lol
I rly love Wildflower, it's basically become my go-to Avalanches record, gets much more spins than SILY nowadays. Love the positive and dreamy vibes and the sound they created through the production of that album. Also that short film is fantastic
They're going even more poppy with this album but there's also another new sound (kind of existentialist space-psychedelia) which ties most of the tracks out so far together, I'm sure it's gonna be another really good album at the very least
wrote about my thoughts on all the singles right above u lol
I rly love Wildflower, it's basically become my go-to Avalanches record, gets much more spins than SILY nowadays. Love the positive and dreamy vibes and the sound they created through the production of that album. Also that short film is fantastic
They're going even more poppy with this album but there's also another new sound (kind of existentialist space-psychedelia) which ties most of the tracks out so far together, I'm sure it's gonna be another really good album at the very least
lmao sorry my blind ass didn't see it
Yeah I thought Wildflower was a bit uneven but the peaks were sooo good. I can listen to Subways -> Going Home all day long.
You got me wanting to check out the singles now lol but I think I'll wait, hoping for another good album
should be grateful its not another 12 years
I am but announcing an album date 3 months in advance is a long ass time by today's standards
you're forgetting that december is summer in Australia (: even so this sounds like they're darkest album yet so it'll fit winter too
Also it definitely has to do with them knowing that they won't be able to tour this year and hope to do so in 2021, so they're dropping as late as possible while still keeping their promise to drop this year. But yea I dunno if January would've been strategically smarter in some ways too (most publications have already published their year-end lists at that point but also won't consider december-2020 drops in their 2021 list, so they end up excluded usually)