the mechanic?
jus drive your nearest auto store and buy the battery and replace it yourself
depending on your car its most likely under the hood or in the trunk under the bed.
disconnect the negative (black) first then the positive (red).
the nuts are usually 13mm or sometimes 10mm
any big name auto parts store will help you out
Could be your alternator too. Get a multimeter and put it up to the battery leads while the car is running.
Anything under than like 13v is a failing alternator.
Should read 13.6v+. usually it's doing over 14.
if it’s just the battery, you can probably make it to the mechanic but like others have said you better off just changing that yourself. youtube your car model model and you can deadass do that in like 20 mins top with the right tools.
if it’s the alternator you probably not making it to that mechanic, but it would be better to let them handle that. mine went out on my 05 nissan (battery light symptom was there) and it was like $600 to fix altogether but i probably got fleeced considering i was 16.
godspeed though bro, hopefully it’s just the battery
Could be your alternator too. Get a multimeter and put it up to the battery leads while the car is running.
Anything under than like 13v is a failing alternator.
Should read 13.6v+. usually it's doing over 14.
If he’s posting this thread he couldn’t buy a multimeter if it said it on the box
car is good as long you carry cables for. if it starts and idles fine for a few minutes at a stop without dying it will charge itself on the drive. take highway if you can
if the battery is new or shouldn't be failing hit the terminals with an electronic cleaner and secure the battery connectors down
just restart it w your bare hands like kevin gates
put your car in the microwave 👍
assuming youre not driving a aston martin or a tesla or some fancy s*** u should be able to get a new battery for around 200
You don't have much time bruh. It's not like an oil or engine light. Your s*** bout to stop running. This is an immediate issue
You don't have much time bruh. It's not like an oil or engine light. Your s*** bout to stop running. This is an immediate issue
Yeah my car keeps overheating not even a mile in. I’m a mile away from home. Ima just try to get there fast, while checking to see how my car is and just stop in parking lots and turn it off when I park safely when it overheats
cant you just get autozone to test it?
If its an annoying car to change the battery it should be fine to get to a service as long as it starts up. its stopping the battery then expecting it to start again that is the issue