  • Apr 12, 2021

    I don’t know what town your from.

  • Apr 12, 2021

    Surfer guys and girls will be coming from far and near

  • Apr 12, 2021

    The harmonizing on surfers rule and this chorus. This solo

  • Apr 12, 2021

    mike is a piece of s*** but he sounds great at times

  • Apr 12, 2021
    1 reply

    I feel this album is surf heavy but for what it is like it’s a California escapade for sure.

  • Apr 12, 2021
    1 reply

    I feel this album is surf heavy but for what it is like it’s a California escapade for sure.

  • Apr 12, 2021
    Camille Golightly

    California beach escapade to be more specific.
    From the instruments and atmosphere.

  • Apr 12, 2021
    1 reply

    Like this isn’t their best album but it gives the surfer sound listen to the max.
    In my room is amazing and I’m a sucker for little deuce coupe

  • Apr 12, 2021
    1 reply
    Camille Golightly

    @Ithaka surfer girl was the first brian produced BBs record right?

    yessir! sorry falling asleep

    dude was only 20yo

  • Apr 12, 2021
    1 reply

    Like this isn’t their best album but it gives the surfer sound listen to the max.
    In my room is amazing and I’m a sucker for little deuce coupe

    it's got some top notch ballads

  • Apr 12, 2021
    Camille Golightly

    it's got some top notch ballads

    Too notch ballads agreed. I can definitely agree there.

  • Apr 12, 2021

    curious why they used liberace's boogie for this track though, the piano fills are identical

  • Apr 12, 2021

    yessir! sorry falling asleep

    dude was only 20yo

    That’s impressive and adds more to how I feel about this album because it’s mad talented for 20 yo

  • Apr 12, 2021
    1 reply

    The Surfer girl album had some amazing ballads and production to me.

  • Apr 12, 2021
    1 reply

    The Surfer girl album had some amazing ballads and production to me.

    one of their better surf era projects for sure

  • Apr 12, 2021
    1 reply

    Thx @Trouble for the session

  • Apr 12, 2021
    1 reply

    Thx @Trouble for the session

  • Apr 12, 2021
    Camille Golightly

  • Apr 12, 2021
    Camille Golightly

    one of their better surf era projects for sure

    Very agreed.

  • Apr 12, 2021
    1 reply

    Alice Cooper has told a story about being at the 1973 (?) Grammys, sitting at a table with John Lennon and Bernie Taupin. Brian Wilson came up to the table and whispered in Alice's ear asking him to introduce him to John Lennon, so he did. "Brian, this is John Lennon. John, Brian Wilson." John told him it was a pleasure to meet him and that he and Paul thought "Pet Sounds" was the best record of all time. Brian went away, but about ten minutes later, he was back again, this time approaching Bernie Taupin and whispering something in his ear. Bernie then introduced Brian to John Lennon once again, and John told him about the same thing from ten minutes before. When Brian went away, John said something like, "I've met him hundreds of times. He's not right." (By that, he meant there was something wrong with Brian.) How true that story is, I don't know, but I certainly believe it.

  • Apr 12, 2021
    1 reply

    Brian had someone MacGyver him a record player that only played the chorus of Be My Baby. He said Brian sat there for four hours in the pitch black just listening to the chorus and demanded the guy to leave him be when he asked if he was okay. There’s also a story about how Brian would literally put his entire face up to the speaker while the song played.

    He also had this routine after his divorce where he would eat sleeves of cookies, ice cream, steak and then proceed to run around his pool and then after exhausting all his energy he’d go listen to Be My Baby or Rhapsody In Blue.

  • Now I’ll figure out what album I listen to later with @DonutHole and as well figure out what album to listen to solo. Thanks @Ithaka foe all the recommendations. Sleep well fam.

  • Apr 12, 2021
    1 reply

    The Beach Boys were at one point looking for another record label and their manager at the time was having a really tough time to get them signed because Brian was just so unpredictable. So they beg Brian to come meet the guy from the label and he shows up with green paint on his face and doesn’t say a word about it. Their manager was beyond upset to say the least.

  • Apr 12, 2021
    1 reply
    Camille Golightly

    Alice Cooper has told a story about being at the 1973 (?) Grammys, sitting at a table with John Lennon and Bernie Taupin. Brian Wilson came up to the table and whispered in Alice's ear asking him to introduce him to John Lennon, so he did. "Brian, this is John Lennon. John, Brian Wilson." John told him it was a pleasure to meet him and that he and Paul thought "Pet Sounds" was the best record of all time. Brian went away, but about ten minutes later, he was back again, this time approaching Bernie Taupin and whispering something in his ear. Bernie then introduced Brian to John Lennon once again, and John told him about the same thing from ten minutes before. When Brian went away, John said something like, "I've met him hundreds of times. He's not right." (By that, he meant there was something wrong with Brian.) How true that story is, I don't know, but I certainly believe it.

    that story is most likely true if it being 1977 (the boys were there presenting an award) but definitely not 1973, whats brian doing at the grammys in 1973? he wasn’t even on beach boys records 💀

    also f*** john lennon for that

  • Apr 12, 2021

    that story is most likely true if it being 1977 (the boys were there presenting an award) but definitely not 1973, whats brian doing at the grammys in 1973? he wasn’t even on beach boys records 💀

    also f*** john lennon for that

    apparently it's from "Catch a Wave" got no idea how reputable it is, never read the book and no clue what the sources were