Thank you for sharing this great interview.
U can unfollow me again if you're not gonna join back to discord 😒😒
You never even sent an invite btw
golden song - i believe the last brian written song with his father murry? or did murry wrote all of it either way brian is right, murry was a monster but great pop songwriter!
not putting this song on record to upbeat friends a little is the biggest crime, hell even more so on 20/20 which already compiles singles and b-sides, the song would’ve been right at home there!
Why this sound like a Ye verse?
gotta relisten when im off
do it again has been in rotation for hours
when air sampled that iconic drum loop
@Ithaka smile sessions surfs up or carl's surfs up
@Ithaka smile sessions surfs up or carl's surfs up
oh man
cant pick 😭😭😭
and you
maybe carl bc at least it has brian cut on it too so you get best of both worlds - brian lead AND carl lead on the ultimate track
oh man
cant pick 😭😭😭
and you
i definitely prefer the wrecking crew arrangement on surfs up smile sessions but there's something captivating about carl taking over for brian AND then we get the smile vocals anyway on the outro/reprise
i definitely prefer the wrecking crew arrangement on surfs up smile sessions but there's something captivating about carl taking over for brian AND then we get the smile vocals anyway on the outro/reprise
the fact brian's vocals are the slightest bit off beat in the smile sessions version kills me though
thank god we have some amazing fan mixes
if anyone hasn't heard Soniclovenoize's version of SMiLE it's insane and i highly recommend it
if anyone hasn't heard Soniclovenoize's version of SMiLE it's insane and i highly recommend it
This the only one I really listen to besides the smile sessions version
if anyone hasn't heard Soniclovenoize's version of SMiLE it's insane and i highly recommend it