Just went thru this
Was halfway through a 12-pack house all cleaned watching some preseason basketball everything going all good in life and in an instant life turns to s*** I open my door to go out for a ciggy and my cat bolts outside into a new area we just moved to with wells & water pipes to fall down in and newly developed areas to get lost in long story less long I just spent the last hour in the frigid cold half drunk thinking I will never see my love again just wishing on that moment where she just shows up out of nowhere and low and behold that moment happened
was outside thinking how cozy my lifestyle used to be before this happened and she popped up 🙂 s*** was a nightmare lol
Glad to see u got her again . Cats do this s*** to mess with you mentally. They r not as innocdent as they seem
I remember my dog ran away one NYE a couple of years ago because of the fireworks. Happened to see a Facebook page with lost pets, seen a picture of my dog and got her back. She's still with us, had a stroke last year because she's old af. But really so glad I got her back, probably the smartest and most well behaved dog I've ever had
My cat wants to go outside but I’m so worried
Think I might try to train him with a leash
Will never forget when my cat I grew up with disappeared for a month+ and my stepdad (maintenance man for neighborhood I’m in) found him in one of the neighbor’s homes
Was f***in ecstatic
lost my cat for almost 3 weeks on the last day before moving to a new spot.. don’t wish that on anyone and glad you found them
I was a wreck and searched for him every night until I found him