you niggas need to stop pretending that people irl listen to thug
Even my 35 year old cousin listens to thug at this point
you niggas need to stop pretending that people irl listen to thug
Listening to Gunna or Roddy Rich counts as listening to Thug
S*** I feel like tyler might even b bigger than cole?
TYLER? As in Tyler the Creator? the nigga who made IGOR? ikyfl
Nigga tell us how u feel then
It’s literally Drake, Kendrick and Cole. It’s undeniable
It’s literally Drake, Kendrick and Cole. It’s undeniable
Oh true
no matter how you frame the question Kendrick is apart. He is actually the only one that makes it whether you are talking quality, sales, hits, etc
you niggas need to stop pretending that people irl listen to thug
what does this mean? are you guys bots? you dont exist irl?
Drake future Kendrick
im irl every day and i listen to thug
Lo you are either white, hold a minimum wage job or intellectually challenged. Merry Christmas.
Lo you are either white, hold a minimum wage job or intellectually challenged. Merry Christmas.
all 3 actually merry christmas to you too
i dont understand what its supposed to mean tho. like you guys only listen to thug online and when youre in the car or outside youre afraid to put on thug? idgi
Lo you are either white, hold a minimum wage job or intellectually challenged. Merry Christmas.
you niggas need to stop pretending that people irl listen to thug
Even people who don’t care about rap like that still definitely listen to s*** like London and Hot or have heard it.
Not Aubrey, jermaine and Kendrick
It’s Kendrick, Future and Thug
no one cares
Lo you are either white, hold a minimum wage job or intellectually challenged. Merry Christmas.
so much wrong with this post lol