@YoungNastyShawty why you aint tell me about Damedot out of Detroit? this nigga is TALKIN
The females love his music. Very fire
The females love his music. Very fire
His recent album Umbrella Again goes crazy
Eric is live now.
2nd Place Undergraduate Prize
By Eric Wells
Growing up as a black male and living in the same house with my mother who was raised by a Black Panther, I was always aware of black history but the older I got, the more I gained a deep appreciation for the history that came before me and why it’s important for people to understand their history to better understand their present and future.
I went to elementary school with a kid named Bishop, and he would find any way to connect what we were talking about in class to black history. For example, the teacher could ask “What’s 3 x 3?” and he would say “the answer is 9…. but also, did you know there were 9 black kids who went to the first integrated school in Arkansas.” The entire class would sigh because of his persistency to always include black history into conversation. The older I grew, the more I realized that Bishop was very wise for his age considering his knowledge of black history and understanding of self. Something that black people struggle with a lot is knowledge of self and self-love because a lot of times we only see chaos around us and not enough positive images. A black person knowing that their lineage is kings and queens can be uplifting to somebody who doesn’t think it’s possible for black people to reach such remarkable lengths. I think that it can also be detrimental to only think black history is slavery, segregation, and other things that are negative and portray black people as victims because subconsciously, a person will begin to think that’s the legacy that’s meant for them. For example, if there are two kids, and one kid learns that his family legacy comes from college graduates, millionaires, inventors and things of that sort, it’s more likely for that kid to have a mindset that it’s possible to be successful in life because that’s what his family history shows. If the other kid is taught that he comes from a family of d*** addicts, d*** dealers, high school dropouts, and negative images of that sort, that kid will begin to think more negatively on the future of his life. I think it is incredibly important to put positive black history images in front of kids and adults to show that black people have invented, accomplished, and philosophized some of the greatest things on earth.
The way Bishop treated black history will always stick in my head because he showed genuine care for the history, present and future for black people which I think is a very honorable act. I care about black history because I care about the future for black people, and I believe it Is very difficult to understand yourself as a black person in America and not understand the history of people that preceded you.
last girl talk 10/10
she’s a great conversationalist and has a really good radio voice
last girl talk 10/10
she’s a great conversationalist and has a really good radio voice
I might have to put her in a 360 deal. She’s a very good personality
Eric is live right now.
Eric is live right now.
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ac_7UdMxDuM@YoungNastyShawty get her
@YoungNastyShawty is your middle finger swollen with fluid? pause.