Breaks down what's happening in the hip hop community and black community. "When tragedy strikes the same impulse "what are we gonna change" but we change nothing"
Hip-Hop culture isn’t the bulk of the black community and I’m tired of niggas trying to position it as so
Hip-Hop culture isn’t the bulk of the black community and I’m tired of niggas trying to position it as so
people are acting as if hip hop is a mirror of black culture on a global scale
Disgusting people comparing Kanye tweets and a drake sub to the death of takeoff
Breaks down what's happening in the hip hop community and black community. "When tragedy strikes the same impulse "what are we gonna change" but we change nothing"
the Drake / Meg thing is being blown out of proportion so that people can make useless content
very disrespectful to use Takeoff's death and combine it with the Drake and Kanye situations to maximize views on your Youtube video
Disgusting people comparing Kanye tweets and a drake sub to the death of takeoff
Something wrong with these people