Does he go smile/smirk or frown/scowl?
My money’s on one of these
A VERY slight smirk
trump understands the importance of the mugshot, it's gonnaa be a pop culture phenomon and he will prolly use it as merch, it will not disappoint
it's gonna be somn like this
Gunna needs to drop a line bout having same lawyer as trump
kinda hard
While Drake's lawyer in the XXX case was a former contestant on The Apprentice
What a loser Aubrey is
trump understands the importance of the mugshot, it's gonnaa be a pop culture phenomon and he will prolly use it as merch, it will not disappoint
it's gonna be somn like this
I need a smile badly
-400 odds for not smiling
+250 odds for smiling
He can't smile...that would ruin the merchandise, lol.
Smiling would make it be Lindsey Lohan TMZ goofy tbh
Oh he guilty and he snitchin if need be.
Who tf bro gonna snitch on?? Himself???
Crazy how we’re getting one of the most iconic photo’s of the 21st century today and most iconic Mughshot oat probably. S***s gonna be in the history books (in blue states)
Crazy how we’re getting one of the most iconic photo’s of the 21st century today and most iconic Mughshot oat probably. S***s gonna be in the history books (in blue states)
They’re gonna be selling it on t shirts at marketplaces/bazaars across the world for the next century, oh no doubt. Right next to the Pablo Escobar mugshot tees, and the Che tees.
A PERFECT PHONE CALL is one of the most esoterically potent phrases he latched on to. It’s powerful
:yewhat: doesnt even come close to gangnam style numbers
Alford plea dropping soon
The Fulton County officer tonight preparing to press the ‘Post’ button of Trump’s mugshot: