  • Feb 11, 2021

    You see that Hindu Temple? Well that temple is made from granite stone. In case some of you didn’t know, granite is peizoelectric material, which means it can “shape” electricity through manipulation of it’s atomic structure. And granite can be also found inside Giza Pyramids too and many Obelisks of Egypt.

    artifacts were made with laser precision. How is it that our ancient ancestors could replicate laser precision in those ancient times? A computing machine

    It’s possible. Why can’t we explain things they did but we can explain things like how the universe was made or we can comprehend space and other phenomena but not even things that were done by other humans?

    Was it open mindedness? Doing things “illogically”? I’m not sure

  • OP
    Feb 11, 2021

    “The relation of ancient people to modern humans is the exact relation of wolves to dogs.
All the exact stages of domestication of wolves into dogs is what the effect of social groups had over time on the individual.
The evolution of dogs was manipulated to produce an animal that would work, do what it is ordered to do, and be cooperative.
Ancient humans had larger brains, more muscle mass, faster reflexes, and could run very long distances.
If you accept the recent research on the evolution of dogs reported in National Geographic magazine and the book Born to Run one is led to this conclusion.”

  • Feb 11, 2021
    3 replies

    In 1876 economists and mathematicians theorised the existence of a economic-ecosystem that had reached a form of transcendence - creating an endless positive feedback loop. They proposed that such a system entering this state would begin what they called the Golden Bull Run. Various mathematical models were created to show what this Golden Bull Run would look like.

    Through my PhD research I believe Ethereum may be entering the early stages of a Golden Bull Run. In this stage early investors could potentially earn an endless supply of wealth - as the system generates tangible wealth rather than just moving it around.
    Economists believed that the slow nature of the stock market meant that harmful players could sabotage the emergence of the Golden Bull Run before it could get started. However it looks like the extremely fast paced nature of cryptocurrency means it is not susceptible to these types of attacks.

    If I am right we could see something never before experienced in the history of the universe. Hold on while you can - takeoff is imminent.

  • Feb 11, 2021
    1 reply

    sometimes i look at pictures of ancient egypt and think to myself “ain’t no f***ing way”

  • rano 🇧🇷
    Feb 11, 2021
    fmvp yzy vert

    In 1876 economists and mathematicians theorised the existence of a economic-ecosystem that had reached a form of transcendence - creating an endless positive feedback loop. They proposed that such a system entering this state would begin what they called the Golden Bull Run. Various mathematical models were created to show what this Golden Bull Run would look like.

    Through my PhD research I believe Ethereum may be entering the early stages of a Golden Bull Run. In this stage early investors could potentially earn an endless supply of wealth - as the system generates tangible wealth rather than just moving it around.
    Economists believed that the slow nature of the stock market meant that harmful players could sabotage the emergence of the Golden Bull Run before it could get started. However it looks like the extremely fast paced nature of cryptocurrency means it is not susceptible to these types of attacks.

    If I am right we could see something never before experienced in the history of the universe. Hold on while you can - takeoff is imminent.

  • Feb 11, 2021
    1 reply



  • Feb 11, 2021

    gobekli tepe

  • Feb 11, 2021
    1 reply

    Can they do a 360 no scope on cod tho ?

  • Feb 11, 2021
    1 reply

  • Feb 11, 2021
    2 replies

    Or maybe they had nothing to do all day and the trade was worth it.
    I mean you had to do something all day why not master your craft.

  • Feb 11, 2021

    sometimes i look at pictures of ancient egypt and think to myself “ain’t no f***ing way”

  • yea domestication made us dumb. at least they was slaving people to do higher power s*** we just slaving niggas to run amazon packages

  • Feb 11, 2021



    Whole family on some basketball team s***

  • Feb 11, 2021

    And there's intellectual degradation

  • Feb 11, 2021

    time travel

  • OP
    Feb 11, 2021
    1 reply

    Or maybe they had nothing to do all day and the trade was worth it.
    I mean you had to do something all day why not master your craft.

    Lol nothing to do all day? Did you stop to think before typing that?

  • Feb 11, 2021

    we must return to monke

  • Feb 11, 2021

    if they were so smart why didnt they invent ktt???? Yea exactly, checkmate dumbass.

  • Feb 11, 2021

    No they just spent and had more of there free time better than sh*tposting on ktt2

  • Feb 11, 2021
    2 replies

    Lol nothing to do all day? Did you stop to think before typing that?

    Please tell me the schedule of someone from that time

  • Feb 11, 2021

    I’d beat tf outta my ancestors & all of your p**** ass ancestors too.

  • Feb 11, 2021

    Please tell me the schedule of someone from that time

    Wake up and beat meat

    Build temple

    Beat meat and pass out

  • Feb 11, 2021
    1 reply

    I need you to understand that I was made in a f***ing laboratory & everyone died within a 50km radius upon my birth.

  • Feb 11, 2021
    1 reply
    · edited

    I need you to understand that I was made in a f***ing laboratory & everyone died within a 50km radius upon my birth.

    Your dad Michael must have been proud of you

  • Feb 11, 2021
    1 reply

    Your dad Michael must have been proud of you

    You had to go and quote it as I was editing lmao, what you mean btw, by Michael?