Niggas fishing for likes
Cole retiring after the fall off (for' I scram)?
Cole and 3 Stacks gon be playing flutes together in a few years
If we get ye and zay as well I might just c***
Haven't even spewed our full load
Let's talk WLR Now
Do that in the WLR thread
Crazy that we’re 8 years later and Kendrick/Cole still dominating the conversation
Crazy that we’re 8 years later and Kendrick/Cole still dominating the conversation
So is Chip
he already fell off tho
are you talking about the music strictly cuz this nigga last album sold over a million
To me he hasn't fell off til his sales drop by a lot and the music universally gets s***ted on.
How well the upcoming album is received and how well it sells should determine that.
Keep in mind that Cole is the only one with the power to get both Drake and Kenny on a track. He’s also on record with being over the no features meme
wait why is cole the only one with that power? lol
Never found the random hate on J. Cole on this site funny
Maybe it's because he's been gone a while but the hate seems really forced this time around.