  • Jul 15, 2020

    I mean some Tekashi type s***, where she snitches on them pdf file niggas on the elite and gets close to no sentence.

    Might even find multiple rings.

  • Jul 15, 2020
    1 reply

    But maybe they got rid of epstein cause they ain't want him to snitch to begin with

  • Jul 15, 2020
    2 replies
    dat guy

    But maybe they got rid of epstein cause they ain't want him to snitch to begin with

    Her father worked for the Mossad and was killed by them

    Her sisters also created some software the CIA uses

    Also William Barr, the US attorney general’s father hired Jeffery Epstein to teach at his university in Manhattan back in the 90s (I believe it was the 90s)

    She ain’t snitching

  • Jul 15, 2020

    Man said pdf file

  • Jul 15, 2020
    1 reply

    Her father worked for the Mossad and was killed by them

    Her sisters also created some software the CIA uses

    Also William Barr, the US attorney general’s father hired Jeffery Epstein to teach at his university in Manhattan back in the 90s (I believe it was the 90s)

    She ain’t snitching

    this an interesting theory ngl

  • Jul 15, 2020
    dat guy

    this an interesting theory ngl

    The fact that this whole thing is slowly revealing itself to the mainstream conversation actually makes me so happy

    This is like the 3rd thread I’ve seen made by someone who found out about this today

  • Jul 15, 2020
    1 reply

    I mean what are the chances the ring actually gets exposed?

    I think we are very naive to assume that this will be the case. Like a lot of those types of scandals: they out a couple scapegoats and it's done with it. Remember the metoo movement a couple of year back? I bet there were DOZENS of people just like Harvey, but we only got a couple of big media outings that's it. Now most people have forgotten about it. Lol.

  • Jul 15, 2020

    Epstein ain't commit suicide, and she ain't trying to die either.

  • Jul 15, 2020
    1 reply
    the reds

    I mean what are the chances the ring actually gets exposed?

    I think we are very naive to assume that this will be the case. Like a lot of those types of scandals: they out a couple scapegoats and it's done with it. Remember the metoo movement a couple of year back? I bet there were DOZENS of people just like Harvey, but we only got a couple of big media outings that's it. Now most people have forgotten about it. Lol.

    Post to username ratio off the f***ing charts

  • Jul 15, 2020

    Post to username ratio off the f***ing charts

  • Jul 15, 2020
    1 reply

    OP got a point.

    bring it all down and get orange man out of the white house while their at it.

  • Jul 15, 2020

    OP got a point.

    bring it all down and get orange man out of the white house while their at it.

  • F*** all pedos but yeah I hope this b**** snitches

  • With this virus going round it would be very convenient if she got it and died

  • Jul 15, 2020

    Her father worked for the Mossad and was killed by them

    Her sisters also created some software the CIA uses

    Also William Barr, the US attorney general’s father hired Jeffery Epstein to teach at his university in Manhattan back in the 90s (I believe it was the 90s)

    She ain’t snitching

    Info on her sisters making the CIA program?

    Also, wasn’t it theorized that Epstein worked for the Mossad too?

  • Jul 15, 2020
    1 reply

    I feel like she probably not as valuable as the public thinks. It's always fun to imagine there's an answer or that we finally caught the boogie man that's the cause for all our problems but no.

  • Jul 15, 2020

    If she knows as much as the public acts like she does this could change the world as we know it

  • Jul 15, 2020
    1 reply

    I feel like she probably not as valuable as the public thinks. It's always fun to imagine there's an answer or that we finally caught the boogie man that's the cause for all our problems but no.

    always wondered, instead of torturing people, why don't these agencies use a lie detector

  • Jul 15, 2020

    There's no way that'll happen. The Epstein ring was very obviously a Mossad blackmail ring, and if it ever became common knowledge that they were compromising American politicians with underage girls on Israel's behalf, it could forever change our "special relationship" and jeopardize Israel's very existence.

    With stakes that high, the truth can never come out.

    At most, some nobodies might be implicated, but people like Lex Wexner (the "head of the snake" according to Maria Farmer) will never be touched.

  • Jul 15, 2020
    1 reply
    dat guy

    always wondered, instead of torturing people, why don't these agencies use a lie detector

    1. A lot of sociopaths know how to pass those
    2. They torture them because they want to torture them

  • Jul 15, 2020
    Oscar Winner

    1. A lot of sociopaths know how to pass those
    2. They torture them because they want to torture them

    I'll take 2 as an answer

  • I would imagine, unlike Epstein, she has plants that could easily report the things she knows

    I dont think it would behoove some of them to get her outta here