  • Has anybody watched anything by this guy? Famous for his lengthy documentaries, I just recently watched Welfare and it was incredible.

  • Feb 7
    1 reply

    One of my favorite documentarians, if you have access to Kanopy almost all of his films are on there.

    some of my favorites

  • Feb 7
    1 reply

    One of my favorite documentarians, if you have access to Kanopy almost all of his films are on there.

    some of my favorites

    yup that's where im watching it. truly a goldmine of a service

  • Feb 7
    1 reply

    yup that's where im watching it. truly a goldmine of a service

    sadly he just announced his retirement but he had a 6 decade run so i’m not complaining lol

  • Misfit

    sadly he just announced his retirement but he had a 6 decade run so i’m not complaining lol

    i mean he's 95 lmao so i get it

  • Feb 7
    1 reply

    he got some good ones and some less than amazing ones

  • Snowboy

    he got some good ones and some less than amazing ones

    any favorites? or least favorites?

  • Feb 7
    1 reply

    is there any info or interviews out there about his process. I saw somewhere that at least for the film Welfare, he spent like 4-6 weeks in the welfare office

  • Feb 7
    1 reply

    is there any info or interviews out there about his process. I saw somewhere that at least for the film Welfare, he spent like 4-6 weeks in the welfare office

  • Misfit

    real, thank you

  • Caught Welfare and Law and Order last year and can't recommend those enough. Crushing films to watch given how little conditions have improved in policing and public assistance. Law and Order feels so much like a prototype version of Cops it's insane.