  • So Im rolling, regular Tuesday stuff ya feel me. My neighbors were arguing wild crazy stuff and I just wanna put that smoke in the air. I reach into my roCh jar, and im thinking wait a minute. I took 4 roaches and added it to equal parts weed, smoked it, and put this new roach into the roach jar. But now it is a roach, used from other roaches, it got me thinking. Has a crumb followed me through all these years? Have I put the same roach nuggie in this blunt, from a blunt I smoked way back when I first started this jar? As the curve of time bends towards death, 9 years in the making, have I actually been alone? A silent guardian, no, a friend., beside me all this time. A nugget of bliss that spits on the ship of theseus and says NO, I will not be recycled. I will be here forever, right beside me. And I cried.

  • The Roach of Theseus

  • Man just throw your roaches away, its 2025 and weed is legal in half the US

  • RASIE 🦦

    this is why people hate weed heads

  • lil ufo 🛸
    1 reply

    this you op?

  • lil ufo

    this you op?


    Impressive, i had a jar like that but it fermented so i hd to start over 9 years ago or so. He kinda look like jason statham if you squint

  • Crazy, scary, spooky, hilarious

  • Czy ⚔️

    They are most def not ur friend

  • “Entropy is simply the quantity that denotes how many particular ol’ bleezy configurations that our blurred vision cannot distinguish between… if we observe the microscopic state of things, the difference between blunt and roach vanishes” - Carlo Rovelli