Yall feel its been that crazy
I feel rounds have been fair
I’ve been botting
Put You On The Game
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3OYojGxshoI&pp=ygUaUHV0IHlvdSBvbiBnYW1lIHJlbWFzdGVyZWQ%3DABOUT TIME
@Kdogone the feeling you feeling rn is the same one i felt repping usher
Looked over what was played and it's CRAZY that U Remind Me didn't make an appearance
Put You On The Game
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3OYojGxshoI&pp=ygUaUHV0IHlvdSBvbiBnYW1lIHJlbWFzdGVyZWQ%3Dthere it is
Voted for both tbh
put you on the game 3rd verse is oone of the most hype verses oat i fckn love it but
deadz dam
Looked over what was played and it's CRAZY that U Remind Me didn't make an appearance
go reread what was played
I was hoping to use it against Feds Watching dahling