@op i love tiger like most ppl but the way he’s playing at the masters….I would have to take his pic out the op lmao. It’s sad to see how poorly he’s playing this weekend
Nah you cant take the goat out
just look how allll those dudes close folded and no one from the back dared make a push
Crazy scene lmao
Missed opportunity if they don’t put him in Tiger’s group
i just know scottie going to come out with some BS line about the cops "just doing their jobs" lol
all that to effortlessly birdie 1.
ive ALWAYS found the complaints of him to be wildly off base. winning solves everything as the old tiger ad said. if he continues dominating, he will continue gaining popularity and "Stardom"
crazy win for XS
bit of a mickey mouse major, but happy for dude. came up short so many times.