Yeah if you smoked a few d***s before hitting post. What is this hitchigitchi roody poo boulshit? I should spit mucus on you and slap you with a spatula cretin.
Go back to twitter with this nonsense
talkin bout eminem 4 10/10 classics but bowie is mid
i don't think music is your thing bro
I like Blackstar but that’s about it
Jay Z
definitely up there
you would have asked me two years ago and i would have said definitely. now tho i think he's around the 4 mark
y'all think Phil Collins could be up there?
Lol no
y'all think Phil Collins could be up there?
he's great but nah
He actually is. Prince was a child prodigy. Think he got signed at 16 or 17 iirc
Played all 17+ instrumentals on his debut at like 17. Man was born for it.
Prince kind of checks every thing off for being the greatest artist and I don’t see any debate about that
If only he didnt drop like a million mid albums
1. Prince
2. David Bowie
3. Bob Dylan
4. Kanye West
5. Bjork
6. Bruce Springsteen
7. Kate Bush
8. Stevie Wonder
9. Brian Eno
10. James Brown
Imo not including jazz or classical musicians
If only he didnt drop like a million mid albums
His 80s output more than makes up for his experimentation on the 90s when he was trying whatever. He was icon status already. Hell, Gold Experience is even better than a lot of his peers' work
Also shout him out for kicking off direct to consumer distribution. He ain't need a label
y'all think Phil Collins could be up there?
not personally. peter gabriel tho
Eminem. He has 4 10/10 Classic Albums. SSLP, MMLP, TES, and Relapse.
i know this is a serious answer