The only reason everyone nut hugs Kanye on this site is because it’s a Kanye fan site😂 I mean he’s good but he’s not what people make out on here ffs
you dont like 4 5 seconds , famous, fsmh, ultralight beam, saint pablo, ghost town, i feel like that, waves, fml, reborn, 4th demension, fire, cudi montage, freeee, itaky og, god is, hands on or follow god?
KTT has always been a “what have you done for me lately” crowd. Smh
Hypebeast mentality
by op’s logic
is better than every kanye album besides mbdtf, LR, and TCD
This album has to be the most overrated album ever by critics in the history of music
The only reason everyone nut hugs Kanye on this site is because it’s a Kanye fan site😂 I mean he’s good but he’s not what people make out on here ffs
His peak was LR-MBDTF
you dont like 4 5 seconds , famous, fsmh, ultralight beam, saint pablo, ghost town, i feel like that, waves, fml, reborn, 4th demension, fire, cudi montage, freeee, itaky og, god is, hands on or follow god?
All those songs were written by other better artists and rappers
Sorry IKARUS2020
All those songs were written by other better artists and rappers
Sorry IKARUS2020
there is more to being artist then writing verses
there is more to being artist then writing verses
Kanye has writers, stylists and people that produce for him while he takes all the credit
He is not good and has not had a good song since 2013
Those are not rappers but yea,guys like Frank are way more artistic than Ye.
Kanye has writers, stylists and people that produce for him while he takes all the credit
He is not good and has not had a good song since 2013
imagine being against collabarating
but ok , and yeah i think youre right to some extent , but its still his vision, he makes the last calls
What makes Frank more artistic than Kanye?
nothing if we're looking at the bigger picture and I like Frank, maybe songwriting but Kanye has a totally different approach to his lyrics, musically there's no way any contemporary artist is more artistic than Kanye at his best
Kanye has writers, stylists and people that produce for him while he takes all the credit
He is not good and has not had a good song since 2013
I mean Kanye was the best to be fair.
His peak ended after yeezus. He started to decline with pablo
And now he's fallen all the way the f*** off.
It happens. He old now
Thats a fact
some guy says something = fact
why do ppl want kanye to not collabarete ??????????????????????????????? WTF do you expect
has his own buisness , doing shoes and clothes , a family, building factorys, architecture etc.
of course kanye is not all of this alone lmaooooooooooooooooooooo
and this coming from a drake stan , dont lie the songs qm, abel and pnd are involved in are amazing
His peak was LR-MBDTF
Commercial peak yeah, but for me his artistic peak were his first 2 albums. It’s like Kendrick, drop 2 classics out the gates and you’ve got a free run with 2-3 albums where people will give them universal praise regardless (not saying either dropped trash on their 3rd album but both dipped in quality and were still praised)