When you go on your Twitter timeline, probably around 2/3 of the tweets you see aren't even from people you follow. The timeline is inundated tweets stemming from your followers following people, or random topics being recommended to you. 1/5 tweets you see are ads.
Reddit seems to position itself as a more information heavy, niche community finder. However, for my hobbies (e.g. language learning) or my work, every f***ing post is made by a noob and is asking a question I've seen 1000 times before, or just a post that isn't even interesting.
It just feels like half the s*** I see nowadays, I don't even want to see. It's not interesting, not thought-provoking, most of it doesn't even f***ing make my laugh. It's just a time-suck.
The internet, for most, is just a low physical effort, low mental effort dopamine extractor. It seems like no matter how much I attempt to be intentional with my internet usage, it sucks me into the spending more time, because the content is not what I'm looking for - and it quickly turns into usage that is not intentional.
Well depends on what your doing with the internet or to frame it more accurately are you making a good use of your time
The internet is a tool that you can choose to spend your time with how you want
Seeing it as a waste of time is a reflection of your own relationship with it
At this point
It’s just a way to sell you things you don’t need to make rich people more rich
The internet itself is not a waste of time, people waste time on the internet.
I think its better than being in the street
ofc i could to somethnig more productive but still i enjoy spending time online and can see things that interests me.
Its about the other options not the internet itself
bro you can learn anything on the internet rn
and get financially free or rich on it too.
I think there's a lot of good in the internet. Just like all things, there is a dialectic. But you can easily fall into the trap.
You can learn anything on the internet, but that same digital platform (let's just say, youtube) could also hosts thousands of other videos that are begging for your attention. And if you lapse for a moment, you could be completely off-track. Compared to a book, that path doesn't exist. It's not as easy to get off-track.
I do agree "Seeing it as a waste of time is a reflection of your own relationship with it", but I wonder how many people have an unhealthy relationship with it versus people who do not. Also begs the question if they see it as unhealthy or if they see it as unhealthy. Many people are fine spending hours on the internet with no intention, but I don't view that as healthy for myself