I cant even sit through 10 mins of that s*** anymore grown niggas talking like hoes i dont know why i used to find that s*** entertaining. and someone needs to slap the s*** outta Mal never ever seen such an out of touch nigga in my life
Last great episode was the Jada and August one right.
They just need fukkery
mal is hilarious bc he's out of touch, no point in taking him seriously most of the time
Ngl the Pod been kinda off. I’m like 1-2 episodes behind. But I ain’t really rushing to get through them. Idk what it is but s*** just been lackluster.
Its def been weak. Think it has alot to do with the pandemic leaving the hip hop scene kinda dry and newsless. They re pretty boring when not dealing with rap
Only Joe Podcast we acknowledge is Rogan
Joe "I let white supremacists on my platform and then defend them by saying they're really nice/funny irl" Rogan
last ep was a comeback to form imo! joes energy is what drives the s*** and when he's not feeling it it usually sucks
podcast became mid when they left spotify and started to spend half the pod talking about chatty patty house
I go in and out of giving af about it
It depends on the topics and whether Joe wants to rant/loud hot takes
He’s replacing ranting with intentionally missing the point to stretch a topic so they can cut it into a clip lol
Also Mal is becoming increasingly pointless with his safe too cool takes lol
Only Joe Podcast we acknowledge is Rogan
Damn I didn’t know you was white
Damn I didn’t know you was white
Haha Joe Rogan is a popular podcast therefore I must hate it haha give me attention
Haha Joe Rogan is a popular podcast therefore I must hate it haha give me attention
He’s a weirdo
Ngl the Pod been kinda off. I’m like 1-2 episodes behind. But I ain’t really rushing to get through them. Idk what it is but s*** just been lackluster.
yeah i been a few behind for a while now
Joe "I let white supremacists on my platform and then defend them by saying they're really nice/funny irl" Rogan
Joe "I let white supremacists on my platform and then defend them by saying they're really nice/funny irl" Rogan
podcast became mid when they left spotify and started to spend half the pod talking about chatty patty house
tbh they do spend too much time talking about that s***