absolute classic
Any episode where Mal does an imitation of Joe Budden's screaming is an automatic classic my g.
Royce cracking on him via phone was the icing on the cake
! this nigga taking pictures in the middle of the street.
You cant call athletes lame and be named NBA Youngboy
I can't be the only one who thinks reddit in general, but specifically the jbp sub, runs jokes and quotes straight into the dirt. S*** is borderline cosplay cause I know most of them niggas don't speak like that irl
Joe got beef with Mike Dean on this one
Joe just be mad at niggas
Seriously yo Parks specifically waits for someone else to start talking or something to start playing before he starts running his mouth. Somebody tell him to shut the f*** up, he's mad annoying even when he's offering valuable information
I've wanted to like him for so long because in theory he isn't that bad a guy, but f*** I can't stand this guy anymore
I also don't believe he naturally speaks like "whateva" or "numbas". Doesn't even feel like a natural NY accent to me but maybe I'm just trying to hate on him wherever possible now