Watching the ep with Alexis Texas, Ish is a major milk lover
Haven’t watched the episode but I always wondered what it would be like if they had a white woman come up to the podcast just to see how Ish would act.
I think I gotta take like a 3 month break from listening to the pod
Joe has been incredibly unbearable recently
gonna give it another shot start of next year
tbh just need ish to start his own s***
Damn just realized I didn't finish the last episode. I'm not in the mood to listen to nothing😫
Damn just realized I didn't finish the last episode. I'm not in the mood to listen to nothing😫
Damn just realized I didn't finish the last episode. I'm not in the mood to listen to nothing😫
Actually the last few pods I’ve skimmed through
Joe is calculated. I always feel like money lower and streams not hitting when he randomly goes at an artist that he know will fuel engagement
I don’t like NBA music but Joe never been one known for connecting with new young hip hop. He don’t need to call him trash for any other reason that attention 💀
Pathetic and predictable
gonna give it another shot start of next year
tbh just need ish to start his own s***
ish wouldn't be capable of doing s*** on his own. he feeds off joe etc. dude is a textbook blue collar worker
mal been with all the smoke. he hates joe lol. rory the one that dont want any part of it
mal is the ultimate insecure cornball who camouflages it by always acting cool about s***. his pod is trash, this line of work is not for him
Pathetic and predictable and predictable didn't want them problems with Birdman I see, lol
ish wouldn't be capable of doing s*** on his own. he feeds off joe etc. dude is a textbook blue collar worker
Like Anthony?
Joe must be happy that issues between him and Cam are squashed or he really doesn’t like having females being a part of his “network”
Pathetic and predictable the right decision dropping the pod
its just a circus of joe stupidity atp
mal is the ultimate insecure cornball who camouflages it by always acting cool about s***. his pod is trash, this line of work is not for him
while i do like their pod it is crazy Mal is the worst part of it. how you lettin the weed carriers pod better than you?
while i do like their pod it is crazy Mal is the worst part of it. how you lettin the weed carriers pod better than you?
Joe was lucky to have been trained by Miss Jones when he did radio. Mal never had training to pod, he's been winging it.
while i do like their pod it is crazy Mal is the worst part of it. how you lettin the weed carriers pod better than you?
the irony is mal was joe's weed carrier during the jbtv vlog days. he was just that dude who hung around joe and would give his opinion on random s*** joe talked about in his videos. i also don't know or think he asked to come on the pod, feels like joe just told him to pull up, and he's been winging it ever since like dude above said. he only does semi-well when bouncing off joe, same with ish.
he's a prototypical street guy with no insights and brings nothing to the table. his personality is lame and he has no charisma.
mal's niche is talking about women and relationships, which is hilarious considering dude thinks he can get women by spamming money bag emojis under their posts
mal's niche is talking about women and relationships, which is hilarious considering dude thinks he can get women by spamming money bag emojis under their posts
42yrs old
42yrs old
If anyone else spammed 40 money bag emojis under a post mal would call it corny
Why did he apologize lol
Joe is so soft these days
after the tax situation he knows he doesn't really want smoke....he can get touched remote like an old tv...he just wants to shake the nest, get the engagement, & calm it down