add me to the list bro, followed
I got you. I’m going thru my notifications rn but I’ll send when I get to you
I got you. I’m going thru my notifications rn but I’ll send when I get to you
I know you busy, but add me to the list big dawg lol I just followed you
I know you busy, but add me to the list big dawg lol I just followed you
I got you
@Valentine u really a legend man nigga turnt the thread up real quick
Real. Thank you brother
Getting to see the episode was truly a blessing 🙏
Now just need to see Patreon where they breakdown Euphoria and 6:16 and I’m good
I can get those for you too, just say the word
I can get those for you too, just say the word
send me those as well pls along with the newest
Can I get a message too brother. Will make my shift easier
dm me, I got timed out
@RIP_To_The @Valentine Can one of you guys feed me also
Lmao we musta had beef and I blocked you
But yea, dm me cause I got timed out and I got you
Lmao we musta had beef and I blocked you
But yea, dm me cause I got timed out and I got you
Same here fam, appreciate it
send me those as well pls along with the newest
Word, will have to be later. But dm me for the new one