The way Rory chuckles in the middle of every one of his jokes pisses me off. Pre Spotify Rory is goat Rory.
Drink Champs has a better chance @ getting Hov
Its crazy because I just had a dream that Jay was on Drink Champs the other day
I liked this ep.
But u can tell by his jokes why Joe never gonna find a shorty my g.
I liked this ep.
But u can tell by his jokes why Joe never gonna find a shorty my g.
I liked this ep.
But u can tell by his jokes why Joe never gonna find a shorty my g.
Or the way he argues. The yelling. He is stubborn af.
Fabolous is as close to Hov being on the podcast as we’re gonna get
'how do you feel about hov turning 50?' his tone
The way Rory chuckles in the middle of every one of his jokes pisses me off. Pre Spotify Rory is goat Rory.
possibly an unpopular opinion but the best episodes were when they recorded in that lil studio back when Rory said trey can give him 20 mins of hits
I liked the fab and Royce episode
A nice pace from joe looking to go viral and pushing lame s*** and bad jokes or straight up lying narratives for clout or streams.
I hate when joe pushes straight lies for attention or content. brings the podcasts down.
possibly an unpopular opinion but the best episodes were when they recorded in that lil studio back when Rory said trey can give him 20 mins of hits
I say before the Spotify deal they were on fire.
Yall can't even say that "pre spotify was funnier" s*** cause they gave us Knock Yourself Out and Tez Just Turned 30 and J Bone (Vince is the funniest nigga on the planet) which are literally in their top 5 funniest episodes of all time my g.
Yall can't even say that "pre spotify was funnier" s*** cause they gave us Knock Yourself Out and Tez Just Turned 30 and J Bone (Vince is the funniest nigga on the planet) which are literally in their top 5 funniest episodes of all time my g.
each era of this podcast had their moments. this is subjective. not everyone has to agree with you on a forum
possibly an unpopular opinion but the best episodes were when they recorded in that lil studio back when Rory said trey can give him 20 mins of hits
Rory will never top that moment
Can they get over this beef they got with the Read my g? (They was referencing the roots picnic)
They’re practically the same damn type of podcast son
possibly an unpopular opinion but the best episodes were when they recorded in that lil studio back when Rory said trey can give him 20 mins of hits
Top 5 Rory moment
Can't wait for Joe's recap of diddy's 50
That plus premiere of love and hip hop, it’s been a busy week for Joe
They really picked the worst topic to be jokey about my g.
As someone of Honduran descent (but too dark so mofos just think I'm a nigga so it's whatever), someone need to let Mal know there's mad MS13s over there and s*** ain't really the sweetest place for a 16 year old girl to be in son.
.....really nasty segment.
They really picked the worst topic to be jokey about my g.
As someone of Honduran descent (but too dark so mofos just think I'm a nigga so it's whatever), someone need to let Mal know there's mad MS13s over there and s*** ain't really the sweetest place for a 16 year old girl to be in son.
.....really nasty segment.
Gotta get the views to go viral.
Podcast changed big time after the Spotify deal. Made up hot takes and anyway to get traction now.