Never forget when Blonde dropped (a future classic) these dudes entire hour long discussion about the album was being angry at a single gay line on Futura Free
lmbo what episode is this
I actually liked the episode once they got past Justice putting the cape on for his artist.
Hovengers vs Kanye’s kids
Also even though he’s washed, Kevin Hart at his best is funnier than Tracy Morgan
Most cringey argument of 2019. He sounded like he forced convo. They asked what his fav kanye album he said his first album lmaoo. He really just talk to hear himself
am i the only one who f***s with justice ?
Nope I like him lol.
Idk how y'all like Justice
Dude is the token loud bougie know it all nigga who doesn't really know anything
MBDTF never influenced the culture like Blueprint did my g.
funny thing is idk if it's nostalgia but when I was a kid I felt like the blueprint was the biggest rap album ever. only album to come at it's level was GRODT. however mbdtf means much more to me.
Idk how y'all like Justice
Dude is the token loud bougie know it all nigga who doesn't really know anything
am i the only one who f***s with justice ?
He was great. The only guest that has seemed natural so far.
Is Janelle Monae’s music too out there for Joe?
yeah her music prolly too gay lol
They've missed 2 pods now. They on break or they tryna re-up?
Theyre on break
Should be back this saturday iirc
They've missed 2 pods now. They on break or they tryna re-up?
Vacation with family
am i the only one who f***s with justice ?
always love when he's on, has great chemistry with the others
always love when he's on, has great chemistry with the others
He was terrible last episode I couldn’t watch it. Dude was caping for Summer Walker so hard
He was terrible last episode I couldn’t watch it. Dude was caping for Summer Walker so hard
Bruh he was unbearable honestly. He couldn't make a coherent argument to save his life & he let out a high pitched "nIGGA" every time someone made a point he couldn't refute
Bruh he was unbearable honestly. He couldn't make a coherent argument to save his life & he let out a high pitched "nIGGA" every time someone made a point he couldn't refute
Dude tried to compare what she was doing to the temptations