  • eclass ⛓️
    Jan 11, 2020

    Whenever they talk about dating.🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

    Always talk like they above it

  • Jan 11, 2020
    1 reply

    Rory was tap dancing with the kappa talk they were tryna get him to snitch tho

  • Jan 11, 2020

    drake was selling 500k with tml

    Drake was also getting rejected at basketball games on video on YouTube so i don’t see your point there

  • Jan 11, 2020
    The Retiring Mane

    was banging

    that's very likely my g.

    (same year)

    Same year he had that video ^

  • Jan 12, 2020
    1 reply

    Rory was tap dancing with the kappa talk they were tryna get him to snitch tho

    Rory turned into a whole different person when it was brought up lmao. he started fake laughing at their jokes and everything

  • Jan 12, 2020

    Rory always looking mad nervous and uncomfortable in those videos of the podcast. Always moving, twitching and moving his hands unnaturally.. Always looking for his daddy Joe approval/laugh when he thinks he makes a funny, like 'Aint I funny Joey, please laugh?'

    B**** ass nigga. Rory always fake laughing himself, because he is dead inside. You can see it in his eyes. The type to say 'wow thats really super funny' instead of just laughing, because he knows it will come of as fake.

    His whole life/perspective is centered around being that white dude who 'is invited to the bbq'. Pathetic.

    Parks needs to get that frog outta his throat. Dusty nasal ass clown. Sometimes the dumb f*** blurts out things/words that dont even make sense. Grown ass man with a speech impediment. Damn shame. And he seems to be unaware of it too.

  • Jan 12, 2020
    1 reply

    Joe trying to defend his comments on cheating was sad to listen to

  • Jan 12, 2020
    · edited

    Official Discord Server

    On ALL platforms aside from Spotify.

    Youtube videos every Saturdays & Wednesdays

    These niggas all look like gta characters

  • Jan 12, 2020

    Rory turned into a whole different person when it was brought up lmao. he started fake laughing at their jokes and everything

    I think it’s because he been tryna stand on that ‘kappas being tough’ ledge like in the last episode with Vince so they called him out

  • mishima 😈
    Jan 13, 2020
    1 reply

    Joe should call Fat Joe on the podcast and ask him what was going on here

  • Jan 13, 2020
  • Rory is mvp my g.

    Great episode son.

  • MyLeftBrain

    Joe trying to defend his comments on cheating was sad to listen to

    Oh you ain’t watch that whole clip either my g.

  • Jan 14, 2020

    Joe should call Fat Joe on the podcast and ask him what was going on here

    Nigga drank a red bull and felt like a young man again, tried to dab

  • Jan 14, 2020
    Mr Motion

    Shorty got 400 followers, this nigga Mal really do be attacking the algorithms. He's on everybody!!


  • Jan 14, 2020

    Shoutout to Mal shooting a productive talk in the heart with that typical “suck d***” my g.

    But “I’m tired of being single”

    Edit: Oh my god they were doing so deadass good. This nigga comparing this s*** to an uncle molesting kids fam. They gotta have an embargo on Mal talking anytime a relationship/woman topic son. No way a clip from this can be taken out of context.

  • Jan 14, 2020

    The fact they ain’t put Rorys strolling video in the YouTube pod is a travesty

    They need to figure out how to connect screen mans screen to the YouTube videos

  • Jan 14, 2020

    joe telling mal he beat the R.I.C.O

  • Jan 14, 2020

    oh s*** there is jbp thread its lit ive never had nobdoy to talk to bout they takes

  • Jan 14, 2020

    Rory always looking mad nervous and uncomfortable in those videos of the podcast. Always moving, twitching and moving his hands unnaturally.. Always looking for his daddy Joe approval/laugh when he thinks he makes a funny, like 'Aint I funny Joey, please laugh?'

    B**** ass nigga. Rory always fake laughing himself, because he is dead inside. You can see it in his eyes. The type to say 'wow thats really super funny' instead of just laughing, because he knows it will come of as fake.

    His whole life/perspective is centered around being that white dude who 'is invited to the bbq'. Pathetic.

    Parks needs to get that frog outta his throat. Dusty nasal ass clown. Sometimes the dumb f*** blurts out things/words that dont even make sense. Grown ass man with a speech impediment. Damn shame. And he seems to be unaware of it too.

  • Jan 14, 2020
    1 reply

    YOOOOOOOO! Rory deadass making a 2020 MVP Campaign my g.

    Why was the leg stroke ( ) smooth tho son

  • Jan 14, 2020

    Rory always looking mad nervous and uncomfortable in those videos of the podcast. Always moving, twitching and moving his hands unnaturally.. Always looking for his daddy Joe approval/laugh when he thinks he makes a funny, like 'Aint I funny Joey, please laugh?'

    B**** ass nigga. Rory always fake laughing himself, because he is dead inside. You can see it in his eyes. The type to say 'wow thats really super funny' instead of just laughing, because he knows it will come of as fake.

    His whole life/perspective is centered around being that white dude who 'is invited to the bbq'. Pathetic.

    Parks needs to get that frog outta his throat. Dusty nasal ass clown. Sometimes the dumb f*** blurts out things/words that dont even make sense. Grown ass man with a speech impediment. Damn shame. And he seems to be unaware of it too.

    I hope he sees this because this s*** killed me

  • Jan 14, 2020

    Rory always looking mad nervous and uncomfortable in those videos of the podcast. Always moving, twitching and moving his hands unnaturally.. Always looking for his daddy Joe approval/laugh when he thinks he makes a funny, like 'Aint I funny Joey, please laugh?'

    B**** ass nigga. Rory always fake laughing himself, because he is dead inside. You can see it in his eyes. The type to say 'wow thats really super funny' instead of just laughing, because he knows it will come of as fake.

    His whole life/perspective is centered around being that white dude who 'is invited to the bbq'. Pathetic.

    Parks needs to get that frog outta his throat. Dusty nasal ass clown. Sometimes the dumb f*** blurts out things/words that dont even make sense. Grown ass man with a speech impediment. Damn shame. And he seems to be unaware of it too.

    Fam this gotta be the funniest post in this whole thread

  • Jan 14, 2020
    1 reply

    Rory always looking mad nervous and uncomfortable in those videos of the podcast. Always moving, twitching and moving his hands unnaturally.. Always looking for his daddy Joe approval/laugh when he thinks he makes a funny, like 'Aint I funny Joey, please laugh?'

    B**** ass nigga. Rory always fake laughing himself, because he is dead inside. You can see it in his eyes. The type to say 'wow thats really super funny' instead of just laughing, because he knows it will come of as fake.

    His whole life/perspective is centered around being that white dude who 'is invited to the bbq'. Pathetic.

    Parks needs to get that frog outta his throat. Dusty nasal ass clown. Sometimes the dumb f*** blurts out things/words that dont even make sense. Grown ass man with a speech impediment. Damn shame. And he seems to be unaware of it too.

    Real s***. Rory is a nerd for that goofy Kappa s***. I have no idea why they started letting parks talk so much on the pod. He just throws in one sentence opinions that add nothing interesting or even new to the conversation. Charlamagne was completely right. Joe carrying the podcast by himself

  • Jan 14, 2020

    When I heard that Cassidy beat comin in