To start things off I would love to say that
Now I will list most things in order so you can understand.
At the age of 9, I asked my papa what he see’s. I did not get an satisfactory answer.
Started to smoke weed at age 13, starting off high-school right (2009).
I was only one in school AFAIK repping supreme, but that is gay now...only their skateboards and maybe some hats and like 1 T-shirt is cool.
Still smoking weed, this was just meh.
2012 hit and I was playing MapleStory and someone in game told me that “the beast will have 666 in their name”
Stupid me decided “hey lets count my name for s***s and giggles, cause whats chances of me being the beast...right?”
Counted my name and to my surprise it was 666.
My whole life no one told me I look amazing, but that will be revealed later.
So it now starting off 2013 and I am smoking a ton of weed and attending York University.
I still have a passion for programming so I didn’t really give a f*** bout university.
2014 hit and i decided to f*** York university and I dont want to transfer to slavery computer science so I decided to do computer programming at a nearby college.
2015 hit and I started to hear voices (age 22)
This whole time I was grabbing off people whom had a story connected to XO but the weed was either laced or the strongest s*** Iv’e been smoking, which started to cause me to start hearing voices.
Ya it was fun going to clubs with these people and doing gangster s***, but IDGAF bout it hence broke off with them.
At this point in 2015, I started to write down a bible called the “New Revelation” cause after I started hearing the voices, they started telling me information about my life, who I am, and what this world was about.
I can admit, I never had a true friend in life but that is all good. So alone, I would go back to my original town (maple) and write the bible under the stars in a soccer field smoking two joints and getting higher.
At the same time as this, I was working at a stupid grocery store. When I saw this one particular girl, the voices told me she is the one. I caught feelings but never did anything bout this.
Forgot to mention that in beginning of 2013, I decided for first time to shave my head and coincendelty I grew a full beard (no struggle s*** like u mofers).
Now, rewinding time a little, in 2013 thats when I really got introduced to Drake cause take care was unknown to me and sfg was too.
Listening to it was cool, but whatever.
Also now it was 2015 and IFRTITL OR WHATEVER THE F*** ITS CALLED DROPPED and the voices started to laugh at how a nigga thinks he is me. I caught wind of this from the voices and I was like “true say” whatever doesnt concern me.
Now 2015 still I started to even smoke MORE so past a Q a week and continue to write down and memorize what was being said to me in my head. At this point, I started to hear prayers and they were directly talking to me now.
2016 came and just before drake dropped views, thats when the voices told me I have singular view.
It hit me in the face as now I realized I always had it since birth and thats what I didnt understand when I was 9 years old!
Next thing you know drake releases views and that s*** just irked me.
Now, I dropped out of school temporaliy (writing this on phone, idgaf bout spelling mistakes) but I was fully dedicated to what I was hearing and the prayers and everything.
I started to now have triggers more than 20 a day that I would remember these exact moments in life as if I relived my life already.
I got sent to hospital and arrested from someone on the internet since I was also writing my bible on forums.
The cops trolled me but that another story.
Trying to sum it up now since IDGAF and still wanna post but.
I realized this is HELL. When YOU die NOTHING happens UNTIL I DIE.
None of you have a view, belphegor aka Drake is lying.
I have been exploited and lied too but that is all right.
I forgot to mentioned i met aliens on only 2 occasions and have a picture with one which I released on internet.
I forgot to mention I met a woman angel when I was driving, not a visual hallucination just a mental one. Like the radio music dissapeared and I heard like classical music and heavnly sounds and a soft woman voice told me to come home this place ain’t for you. We miss you etc.
I also was contacted by a alien in my room and after that when i stood up and they fixed my hearing (ty bosses) i was met with the third EYE. Trust me, everyone on earth a f***ing liar soooooo :)
long story short, I am who I am
aside from money, a girl really wants looks before height. they want a offspring to look amazing, height is 2nd.
Global average is 5”7 you can google so dont look like a fool if you dispute this
I am no longer repeating hell and just deleting everyone and writing a new story when I die as my music explains all of this.
I could diss Drake saying he 656, cant count, looks like a sloth due to having such wide eyes which plastic surgery cant fix, among so many other things, but the time aint right, i want him to further dig his grave.
My religion would shock you and how everything makes sense, hence why I am main character.
I have proof that I started the NPC meme so you can all go f*** off.
What else, now all this information scrambled cause IDGAF in bed just decided to post this as swinging my d***.
laugh and dont believe, trust me i do not give a f***, I have a following globally and i literally f***ed over everyone saying i have singular view.
it hit me when i was told by voices and i was watching a soap opera called young and the restless where the camera angle depicted everyones “view” but in reality there isnt a camera for this as ST ANDREW is the ONLY camera.
I aint wrong, i had it my whole life :)
Still so much aint said, this 1% of new revelation.
I am making this into a MOVIE.
famous for my programming skills as well, etc etc
INB4 i have a mental illness. NOPE it got cured was on medicine for awhile!
this does absoulty nothing :)
You may now kiss the bride :)
first kiss is suppose to be amateur, more cute
my movie will be the best horror movie in the entire universe
Every woman is actually a guy, cause before world heaven was full of males and i enviosned the female
Op off a bean
thats the best part, know yourself :)
I love telling 100% of truth
I know who I was talking too in head, drake even admits to this :)
is this like bot spam or something
sorry you cant read, no view must suck
is this like bot spam or something
programming terms, == just means it equals to.
So essentially, St Andrew is all of that
sorry you cant read, no view must suck
OP by chance were you smoking this “weed” out of a lil glass pipe that required way more heat than normally?
OP by chance were you smoking this “weed” out of a lil glass pipe that required way more heat than normally?
nah, just water bottle bongs and joints
Op in a paranoia induced ketamine trip rn
I have proven everything.
I am so sorry for everyone
I mean how simple can it get right
I mean how simple can it get right
I have performed miracles on myself but cant do for others and have proof
This repeat is ending, im so sorry.
Op bought weed from the homeless dude down the street
op how can i become closer with god
good question.
no one can catch up to me
the vatican LIED TO EVERYONE.
when you say a prayer, do not close by saying AMEN.
you want god to always listen to you
You got to do this for a long long time but it essientially connects you to me
good question.
no one can catch up to me
the vatican LIED TO EVERYONE.
when you say a prayer, do not close by saying AMEN.
you want god to always listen to you
You got to do this for a long long time but it essientially connects you to me
saying aMEN