  • Aug 6, 2020

    This is bad

  • Aug 6, 2020
    1 reply

    no its not

  • Aug 6, 2020

    no its not

    I love the way he speaks but I feel he needs to make the Biden thing more clear

  • Aug 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Did you read it?

  • Aug 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Like I get he’s saying it’s designed to hurt Biden because he’s trying to win but these evil yakubs act like they can’t use context clues and make it seem like he’s sucking trump off

  • Aug 6, 2020
    Lost fist fight

    Did you read it?


  • Aug 6, 2020

    after that horrible July one this tells me nothing. He didn't even really speak on much there

    the only thing that they seem to say as the "indicator" is the fact he still wants to work alongside the administration to do stuff like the school. Assumed he'd say worse this isn't bad at all

    He's already spoken about it in that first interview tho

    “That is a form of racism and white supremacy and white control to say that all Black people need to be Democrat and to assume that me running is me splitting the vote. All of that information is being charged up on social media platforms by Democrats."

  • Aug 6, 2020

    This is bad

    white liberals seething

  • Aug 6, 2020

    seems pretty clear that Ye isn't one to sit down and collude and coordinate something at this level, but he also doesn't care if the GOP people helping him have their own plans in mind

    i find it insane we are still talking about this campaign if liberal media just ignored it then it wouldnt be a problem. But they're the ones adding relevancy to the point where he might actually do this s***

    they worry about this but then ignore Biden saying the entire African American community is not diverse

  • Aug 6, 2020
    1 reply

    “I’m not going to argue with you. Jesus is King.”

  • Aug 6, 2020
    4 replies

    Texts from West to me earlier this summer repeatedly ended with the sign-off “Trump 2020,” and a fist raised high.

  • Aug 6, 2020

    “I’m not going to argue with you. Jesus is King.”

  • Aug 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Texts from West to me earlier this summer repeatedly ended with the sign-off “Trump 2020,” and a fist raised high.

    Easily the two highlights of the article

  • Aug 6, 2020

    Texts from West to me earlier this summer repeatedly ended with the sign-off “Trump 2020,” and a fist raised high.

    I mean cool I guess

  • Aug 6, 2020

    The writer is putting words in his mouth but it does look like he's running just to hurt Biden.

    Might be done with Kanye. Pretty wild.

  • Aug 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Texts from West to me earlier this summer repeatedly ended with the sign-off “Trump 2020,” and a fist raised high.

    This dude is just trolling at this point. This can't be done with a straight face

  • Aug 6, 2020
    Lost fist fight

    This dude is just trolling at this point. This can't be done with a straight face

    of course hes trolling...

    first of all he has the right to run, so saying he shouldn't is stupid and unconstitutional and will just make him kanye pursue with more interest

    but the fact that so many people are focused on kanye as if he will swing the election is funny to me

    people need to be worried about f***ing voter supression and all the bullshit the GOP is gonna try to do to rig votes instead of kanye who no one is gonna vote for....the left really shooting themselves in the foot with this one

    dont get me wrong, getting trump and the GOP out of power is the #1 priority but im starting to realize the left is not any better (and i stand very left just to be clear)...these bullshit clickbait articles from clearly left biased writers really is f***ing fake news, they are trying to manipulate people and f***ing destroy people who slightly dont think their way

  • Aug 6, 2020
    germy watanabe

    Easily the two highlights of the article

    We knew the texts part tho. The Forbes Billionaire article from April said he sent that.

    But that was 4 months ago

    When viewed through that lens, his famous affinity for President Trump makes a lot of sense. (And it continues unabated—one text to Forbes’ chief content officer this week ended with “Trump 2020” and a raised fist emoji.)

  • Aug 6, 2020
    1 reply

    this is the most clickbait i've ever seen

    they cut up the interview to make it seem like some quotes are recent

    he said 'That he’s okay with siphoning off Black votes from the Democratic nominee, thus helping Trump. “I’m not denying it, I just told you. To say that the Black vote is Democratic is a form of racism and white supremacy.” in the last interview, and they chopped up the 'im not denying it' to seem like he recently said that against biden

    the only new information that's in here is that he's working on education and when asked again about taking away votes from biden to help trump he said 'im walking, not running to win'

  • Aug 6, 2020

    Damn Kanye is an embarrassment

  • Aug 6, 2020
    2 replies

    “I’m not going to argue with you. Jesus is King.”

    My new go to

  • Aug 6, 2020
    Weekend KaTeezy

    this is the most clickbait i've ever seen

    they cut up the interview to make it seem like some quotes are recent

    he said 'That he’s okay with siphoning off Black votes from the Democratic nominee, thus helping Trump. “I’m not denying it, I just told you. To say that the Black vote is Democratic is a form of racism and white supremacy.” in the last interview, and they chopped up the 'im not denying it' to seem like he recently said that against biden

    the only new information that's in here is that he's working on education and when asked again about taking away votes from biden to help trump he said 'im walking, not running to win'

    yeah it seems that way

  • Aug 6, 2020

    tbh who cares lol

  • Aug 6, 2020
    1 reply

    As if biden is a good candidate

    If kanye is able to take votes from biden (hes not), that says more about biden than ye