thank u blah you too :)
I’m good brother I miss ya man, how are you doing? Things improving?
Miss you too! Unfortunately not. Just get prescribed another medication every once in a while that might as well be a sugar pill. Although the current pills they have me taking may actually be making the pain worse (yesterday was crazy) but it's still early days on that.
So in the meantime I'm reading medical science papers written by people smarter than me with a medical background or anecdotes by regular folks, trying to figure out what the f*** is going on. Got tickets for The Cure November 2022! Praying for a miracle where I'm recovered by then.
ty blah
thank u blah ❤️
Ill always be nice to my friends and ure one of them blah :)
your Spotify plays always puts me onto new rock bands
no no no its true!
Nvm dude couldnt even quote it smfh
I don't like making lists like this because I'm sure to leave people off by accident but just know you'd be on it bro lmao
I don't like making lists like this because I'm sure to leave people off by accident but just know you'd be on it bro lmao
Miss you too! Unfortunately not. Just get prescribed another medication every once in a while that might as well be a sugar pill. Although the current pills they have me taking may actually be making the pain worse (yesterday was crazy) but it's still early days on that.
So in the meantime I'm reading medical science papers written by people smarter than me with a medical background or anecdotes by regular folks, trying to figure out what the f*** is going on. Got tickets for The Cure November 2022! Praying for a miracle where I'm recovered by then.
F*** bro, I’ll be praying for ya man. That s*** sounds rough. Hoping things get better and you get to enjoy that The Cure concert to the fullest!! I didn’t even know they’re touring out there right now?
I don't like making lists like this because I'm sure to leave people off by accident but just know you'd be on it bro lmao
Would I 🥺
F*** bro, I’ll be praying for ya man. That s*** sounds rough. Hoping things get better and you get to enjoy that The Cure concert to the fullest!! I didn’t even know they’re touring out there right now?
Yeah, check the thread. I posted some info regarding the tour & their press release. Album seems finished too & total length revealed, very likely dropping before the tour. And appreciate it, man.