Man see i forgot my boy in the main post my style wouldnt be what it is if it werent for u
Damn I didn't know it was all that, thought I just helped you get that helix
Danny actually one of the nicer guys on here too and I love his humor. He doesn't deserve everything Arsenal puts him through
and you f***ers he keeps @ing better start being more active in that thread
Thanku far too kind I still vividly remember our CLB & KOTH discussions I too hope Arsenal pick up the pace!
Damn I didn't know it was all that, thought I just helped you get that helix
i used to wear all black and skinnies lol plus u put me onto BBB which is by far my fav clothing brand ever, Ur sense of color and fit SUPER inspired me i cant even lie bro lol
Yall some b****es for not tagging me bruh if u going through something f*** u fr Im not helping
he always comes thru somehow @Kr0niic
i used to wear all black and skinnies lol plus u put me onto BBB which is by far my fav clothing brand ever, Ur sense of color and fit SUPER inspired me i cant even lie bro lol
Made me smile reading this, thank you brother
@JayZen has always been awesome on here. Now we talk and create together! Really nice guy
Man likewise. All yall are my dawgs fr
id have the whole damn page filled up wit dope ppl from here man.
F*** it we ride @waytoosexy @thankmelater @nightingalexo @MusicBot @hadjigaviota @kiddash3r @William1738 @NIGHTMAN @Campari @PilotJones @Elric @plants @Mitchell @tron2425 @Librarytrap @LordPrettyFlackoJR man so many and im missing some too like the rest of TNGHT yall stay helping me and inspiring me
Not a single kind hearted soul on this site besides @Antidote
This is why I said you needed to be deranked
This is why I said you needed to be deranked
The holy trinity of cool drake stans
My brother, u nice af too
Man likewise. All yall are my dawgs fr
id have the whole damn page filled up wit dope ppl from here man.
F*** it we ride @waytoosexy @thankmelater @nightingalexo @MusicBot @hadjigaviota @kiddash3r @William1738 @NIGHTMAN @Campari @PilotJones @Elric @plants @Mitchell @tron2425 @Librarytrap @LordPrettyFlackoJR man so many and im missing some too like the rest of TNGHT yall stay helping me and inspiring me
Genuinely means a lot to be mentioned on one of these posts