The holy trinity of cool drake stans
much appreciated ma boi
Man likewise. All yall are my dawgs fr
id have the whole damn page filled up wit dope ppl from here man.
F*** it we ride @waytoosexy @thankmelater @nightingalexo @MusicBot @hadjigaviota @kiddash3r @William1738 @NIGHTMAN @Campari @PilotJones @Elric @plants @Mitchell @tron2425 @Librarytrap @LordPrettyFlackoJR man so many and im missing some too like the rest of TNGHT yall stay helping me and inspiring me
Thank you felli,i love u and i appreciate this,you know it goes both ways
all tnght members and only 4 life sxn users
Not a single tag? Man f*** y’all then