  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Jan 18, 2023
    1 reply

    I’ll post it anyways

    Bonus episode of the games podcast discussing the show with Neil Druckmann, produced in partnership with hbo

    So nico Parker DID originally audition for Ellie

  • Jan 18, 2023
    1 reply

    when you think they both should die then lev should deliver the news to Dina

    They both dying in TLOU3 when they team up to fight the ZombieKing :khaled2:

  • Jan 18, 2023
    1 reply

    So nico Parker DID originally audition for Ellie

    she would have been great and possibly better ( to me in my opinion ) but I think Bella charisma and delivery will improve throughout season

  • Jan 18, 2023
    1 reply
    Sgt Leaf

    They both dying in TLOU3 when they team up to fight the ZombieKing :khaled2:

    I will 100% want to beat 2 and play 3 if most of final game is killing infected . I think in 1 I got burnt out on killing humans . Yes I know it’s a survival thing but seeing them let go of their hate to focus on the survival of humanity ( would not be surprised at some my father kept notes on how to create cure in case he died plotline or another doctor ) to set Ellie up to still be cure . Something that Unites humanity )

    All game spoilers

  • Jan 18, 2023
    1 reply

    she would have been great and possibly better ( to me in my opinion ) but I think Bella charisma and delivery will improve throughout season

    Wonder if the outrage would be way worse than it was for Bella before the first episode

  • Jan 18, 2023

    Wonder if the outrage would be way worse than it was for Bella before the first episode

    She is black and has acted in less so 100% yes

  • Jan 18, 2023
    1 reply

    What Bella is getting is bad but most that they would cast would get it bad . Outside of the original fan cast of Elliot page ( years and years ago. )

  • Jan 18, 2023
    1 reply

    What Bella is getting is bad but most that they would cast would get it bad . Outside of the original fan cast of Elliot page ( years and years ago. )

    Imagine the fan reactions if they cast Elliot Page now woooooo boy

  • WHaaaT

    Imagine the fan reactions if they cast Elliot Page now woooooo boy

    I mean if they changed the gender it would actually be warranted to be confused because it is a dad daughter tale

  • Jan 18, 2023
    2 replies

    I will 100% want to beat 2 and play 3 if most of final game is killing infected . I think in 1 I got burnt out on killing humans . Yes I know it’s a survival thing but seeing them let go of their hate to focus on the survival of humanity ( would not be surprised at some my father kept notes on how to create cure in case he died plotline or another doctor ) to set Ellie up to still be cure . Something that Unites humanity )

    All game spoilers

    You know I was just thinking to myself on the way home how in part II they completely abandoned the hunt for a cure lol (they being the writers not the characters).Joel has already “condemned” humanity to it’s fate and paid for it in a way but now that that’s done we can move on

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Jan 18, 2023
    1 reply
    Sgt Leaf

    You know I was just thinking to myself on the way home how in part II they completely abandoned the hunt for a cure lol (they being the writers not the characters).Joel has already “condemned” humanity to it’s fate and paid for it in a way but now that that’s done we can move on

    it was abandoned cause in the games lore jerry / the fire flies were the only doctors only actively searching for the cure. This was the case in 1, not something changed for 2\. So with Joel offing them, no more search for the cure

  • Jan 18, 2023
    Sgt Leaf

    You know I was just thinking to myself on the way home how in part II they completely abandoned the hunt for a cure lol (they being the writers not the characters).Joel has already “condemned” humanity to it’s fate and paid for it in a way but now that that’s done we can move on

    again part of what didn’t connect for me ( again just my opinion I didn’t beat the game as I make clear ) . In last of us 1 I was propelled to “ aight let me save or improve the condition of humanity yes I’m ultra violent but it’s for the greater good of humanity “ . Once that goes out the window ( me just me ) doesn’t care about these peoples qualms because game 1 Joel deserved to die Ellie didn’t but if she cure :seanshrug: . Game 2 Ellie deserves to die and Abby does too :deadfast: . Fireflies going from rebellion cure focused to Marlene dying :homersleep: . Every zombie story generally there is a “ get to safety “, “ cure “ , “ find loved one and live in peace “ . Like I get being fueled by revenge and it works in a respawn environment but I fear it may look a lil silly risking time after time dying to zombies or humanity over smoke with one person across multiple states . 100% think I will like it better as a show on part 2 but they may have to make slight changes. I do understand the point it gets at though . I know I would be upset to beat a last of us 2 then spend another game murdering humans in an effort to murder one evil human

  • Jan 18, 2023
    1 reply

    it was abandoned cause in the games lore jerry / the fire flies were the only doctors only actively searching for the cure. This was the case in 1, not something changed for 2\. So with Joel offing them, no more search for the cure

    I know that’s why I give it to them but maybe it’s addressed and you can answer but wouldn’t basically everyone know Joel murdered Marlene and ended chances at a cure ? Why aren’t more hunting him down than just Abby or did Abby keep it a secret because she wanted to be one to kill him ?

  • Jan 18, 2023

    @SgtLeaf him being the only brain surgeon kept alive or who can produce a cure was always wild to me because seems like the government , fireflies or someone would immediately seek out and protect doctors , researchers etc greatest minds to potentially end pandemic but I give it to them I guess . It’s like if all our doctors and researchers quickly died of covid in the hospitals .

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Jan 18, 2023
    2 replies

    I know that’s why I give it to them but maybe it’s addressed and you can answer but wouldn’t basically everyone know Joel murdered Marlene and ended chances at a cure ? Why aren’t more hunting him down than just Abby or did Abby keep it a secret because she wanted to be one to kill him ?

    those people that he murdered in 1 was implied in 1 to be the last of the fireflies. When you meet Marlene at the end of the game Joel asks about them and Marlene says this is all that’s left of them. So Joel kills them then runs off to Wyoming. The people who lived (Abby and gang) went up to Seattle together. So it was really just Abby and gang mad and wanting to hunt down Joel. Throughout 2 they reveal how they have been hunting Joel since then and came up short on leads for years and years, until they finally found a lead about his brother who has a base in Wyoming

    All game spoilers

  • Jan 18, 2023

    those people that he murdered in 1 was implied in 1 to be the last of the fireflies. When you meet Marlene at the end of the game Joel asks about them and Marlene says this is all that’s left of them. So Joel kills them then runs off to Wyoming. The people who lived (Abby and gang) went up to Seattle together. So it was really just Abby and gang mad and wanting to hunt down Joel. Throughout 2 they reveal how they have been hunting Joel since then and came up short on leads for years and years, until they finally found a lead about his brother who has a base in Wyoming

    All game spoilers

    Cool cool that’s basically what I gathered

  • Jan 18, 2023
    1 reply

    I think finale show entirely from doctor and Marlene perspective have audience like “ where the F\*\*\* is Joel I wonder what he going through “ then :dw:

    Last of us 1 ending spoiler

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Jan 18, 2023
    1 reply

    I think finale show entirely from doctor and Marlene perspective have audience like “ where the F\*\*\* is Joel I wonder what he going through “ then :dw:

    Last of us 1 ending spoiler

    tell it from Abby’s perspective for shambles

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Jan 18, 2023
    1 reply

    Neil addressing the “woke” diverse cast here in the podcast

  • Jan 18, 2023

    tell it from Abby’s perspective for shambles

    was going to say Abby but them gamers would be furious . The genius thing would be to do the reverse if the pilot so show Abby’s full day before her dad murdered

    Last of us 1 And 2 spoilers

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Jan 18, 2023

    Neil addressing the “woke” diverse cast here in the podcast

    Neil: “story is king over all. If the story called call their race, we kept it and casted for it. In America, diversity is king. We didn’t seek out for diversity in our roles (he mentions for example here Sarah), but a diverse set of people auditioned, and we chose the best people for their roles. “Sarah being blonde is not important for who Sarah is”

    “Diversity should never overrule story, but it’s nice that it is there, and makes a story more authentic”

  • Jan 18, 2023
    1 reply

    Like I like Last of Us 2 story I just personally dont feel like playing 25 hours to get there. Even though yes it would hit harder. I was just spoiled on most of it 2020. lol 2020 I didn't have a console was struggling through the pandemic didn't think I would ever play it. S*** I thought I wouldn't be alive so

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Jan 18, 2023
    1 reply

    Neil talking big s*** in this bonus episode podcast. Saying he hasn’t felt this confident in his piece of work since uncharted 2

  • Jan 18, 2023

    Neil talking big s*** in this bonus episode podcast. Saying he hasn’t felt this confident in his piece of work since uncharted 2

    A classic. Need to replay uncharted series tbh it’s been a while.

  • Jan 18, 2023
    1 reply

    Like I like Last of Us 2 story I just personally dont feel like playing 25 hours to get there. Even though yes it would hit harder. I was just spoiled on most of it 2020. lol 2020 I didn't have a console was struggling through the pandemic didn't think I would ever play it. S*** I thought I wouldn't be alive so

    It's wild how much you talk about this franchise but haven't completed the games, lol.