We get the Druckmann cut tonight tho
For me someone put it well its adapting the game that looks like a movie into a tv show that looks like a game so its all jarring in a way.
We get the Druckmann cut tonight tho
I am hearing he added a special thanks to Bruce Staley at the end of his episode last minute
I am hearing he added a special thanks to Bruce Staley at the end of his episode last minute
I’m hearing joel looks directly into the camera with a clicker behind him and says “this would not be possible without Bruce straley”
I’m hearing joel looks directly into the camera with a clicker behind him and says “this would not be possible without Bruce straley”
I’m hearing joel looks directly into the camera with a clicker behind him and says “this would not be possible without Bruce straley”
Beautiful moment I can already see it
For me someone put it well its adapting the game that looks like a movie into a tv show that looks like a game so its all jarring in a way.
With a game this cinematic and real looking its always gonna be weird
With a game this cinematic and real looking its always gonna be weird
Yeah this is what I am getting at. When you are inspired by Children of Men, 28 Days later, No Country for Old Men and you get adapted into a tv show that looks like this something will feel off. For me its definitely cinematography but there are only a few shows where I loved the cinema work. Lost, Leftovers, Breaking Bad come to mind but its tough with apocalypse show.
Yeah this is what I am getting at. When you are inspired by Children of Men, 28 Days later, No Country for Old Men and you get adapted into a tv show that looks like this something will feel off. For me its definitely cinematography but there are only a few shows where I loved the cinema work. Lost, Leftovers, Breaking Bad come to mind but its tough with apocalypse show.
Weird cause the camera work reminded me a lot of breaking bad due to the use of handheld cam
If the biggest complaints come down to color’s and camera work I think we got a good show on our hands
Weird cause the camera work reminded me a lot of breaking bad due to the use of handheld cam
when I say camera work I also mean how they use the camera to tell the story not just the camera used
when I say camera work I also mean how they use the camera to tell the story not just the camera used
I’m talking like not montage scenes but like during scenes between two characters talking.
Breaking bad cinematography overall MUCH better (one episode in lol) but like during dialogue scenes, reminded me of it a lot.
If the biggest complaints come down to color’s and camera work I think we got a good show on our hands
I think no matter what its good because it gets the game story to some people who will possibly never play the game. Even if it doesn't wind up being great for me
It’s Druckmann hours
It’s Druckmann hours
LMFAO the idea of someone in a clicker costume being like "I cant see what is bro saying"
For me someone put it well its adapting the game that looks like a movie into a tv show that looks like a game so its all jarring in a way.
I was thinking it’s weird to make this a show since the game is already hyper realistic. Seems pointless unless they’re gonna take big creative liberties and do their own thing. But the double edged knife with shi like this is you can’t take creative risks otherwise people will hate it for not being a faithful adaptation . So they gotta play it safe which means this’ll likely be forgettable when it’s all said and done
I was thinking it’s weird to make this a show since the game is already hyper realistic. Seems pointless unless they’re gonna take big creative liberties and do their own thing. But the double edged knife with shi like this is you can’t take creative risks otherwise people will hate it for not being a faithful adaptation . So they gotta play it safe which means this’ll likely be forgettable when it’s all said and done
I mean this is definitely to get the game story to the audience who may never play the game. The central point of what you are trying to say though is there anything truly special or unique about last of us 1 story without a game controller in your hand. Which we will figure out by the GA reaction the story and ending
I was thinking it’s weird to make this a show since the game is already hyper realistic. Seems pointless unless they’re gonna take big creative liberties and do their own thing. But the double edged knife with shi like this is you can’t take creative risks otherwise people will hate it for not being a faithful adaptation . So they gotta play it safe which means this’ll likely be forgettable when it’s all said and done
Man never heard of an adaption before
Episode 3 discourse gonna be wild cause apparently it deviates hard but everyone saying it’s amazing
Episode 3 discourse gonna be wild cause apparently it deviates hard but everyone saying it’s amazing
Thats when I shall catch up
Man never heard of an adaption before
Bro purposely being dense. I’m talking bout video game adaptations with a hyper realistic game like TLOU
I mean this is definitely to get the game story to the audience who may never play the game. The central point of what you are trying to say though is there anything truly special or unique about last of us 1 story without a game controller in your hand. Which we will figure out by the GA reaction the story and ending
I didn’t think of it that way. I guess you are right about bringing it to a new audience. Thing is this is one of the biggest games ever and it’s hyper realistic looking so all these people are comparing the actress for Ellie to the video game model and criticizing it cause it isn’t faithful is a good example