Do we know if Factions is gonna be cross gen?
100% gonna be next gen only
100% gonna be next gen only
We might get our first look at next-gen Naughty Dog tech then
Battle Royale TLoU with clickers and s*** scattered around the map is literally perfect.
It’d be sick if you can choose to form squads in real time too and build compounds, accumulate turf, perform raids on other groups for supplies etc.
And it’s a continuous thing you have to maintain, like the meta-game in the original Factions.
I was gonna edit post rn
But going in Financial District with zero arrows and like 2-3 bullets in one handgun and same amount in shotgun is damn near impossible to complete
I completed it full stealth and it took me like 50+ restarts even the AI started t posing and bricking the game
that’s what it’s all about. Pt 2 amps it up even more cause the enemy AI is that much better, should be the same with this too. Can’t wait
This PS5 only?
Also I know it cause I'm so used to the PS4 version that this doesn't seem like that big of a jump in graphics. Need a comparison video.
This PS5 only?
Also I know it cause I'm so used to the PS4 version that this doesn't seem like that big of a jump in graphics. Need a comparison video.
Major facelift
This PS5 only?
Also I know it cause I'm so used to the PS4 version that this doesn't seem like that big of a jump in graphics. Need a comparison video.
Here’s a comparison video by IGN. Major improvement all around. Also screenshots on the last page showing amazing improvements
That was fast
Here’s a comparison video by IGN. Major improvement all around. Also screenshots on the last page showing amazing improvements
!'t how I missed this as I'm on IGN rn catching up on all the trailers
Why can't we get this on PS4? Part 2 runs on PS4 this should be able to as well.
That was fast god I copped
now the question is do I start this part 2 replay now or wait till september to run these back to back
or do both
Just wait
now the question is do I start this part 2 replay now or wait till september to run these back to back
or do both
Wait till September
Why can't we get this on PS4? Part 2 runs on PS4 this should be able to as well.
Easier said than done tbh. Part 2 had all that dev time to optimize for the ps4 and make it run like it did. This looks the same as part 2 and they made this mad fast and I bet the ps5 just brute forces through all that and you don’t really need to optimize it all that much compared to part 2
Easier said than done tbh. Part 2 had all that dev time to optimize for the ps4 and make it run like it did. This looks the same as part 2 and they made this mad fast and I bet the ps5 just brute forces through all that and you don’t really need to optimize it all that much compared to part 2
Yeah you probably right.
Any way I just gotta get a PS5 so I can play this masterpiece for the 4th time
I may have f***ed up. I copped the firefly edition but I just realized my card expires next month. Now I’m worried when they try to charge my card by then it’s gonna fail and my order is gonna get cancelled. F***……
Yeah you probably right.
Any way I just gotta get a PS5 so I can play this masterpiece for the 4th time
I don't got one too I gotta figure it out
Looks like great improvements but $70? Lmfao f***ing insane
I mean it is a remake not a remaster.
I mean it is a remake not a remaster.
I still think $70 is too much
Should be $40-50
I still think $70 is too much
Should be $40-50
Think Sony had any say in it? I know they like charging $70 for exclusives.
I mean it is a remake not a remaster.
So what? It’s the same exact game.
They already released a Remastered version. That’s literally available for free on PS+
No remake/remaster/whatever is worth more than $40 if it’s still the same exact content.
Maybe if they would’ve re-made TLoU2 as well and bundled them together, maybe then it would be worth $70.
This s*** is more expensive than Elden Ring lmfao.