Those are heavily altered images too (the original has the color sat turned way the f*** up, the remake has been desaturated)
The Last of Us II straight up made people HATE this company in the most irrational way.
They trying hard to jerk off to their anti-TLOU2 and Naughty Dog agenda lmao
joel look like he off a perc
I mean. Yeah. Dude is like in his late 40s/early 50s and 20 years into the post apocalypse.
You’re gonna look tired. You’re gonna look like s***.
They trying hard to jerk off to their anti-TLOU2 and Naughty Dog agenda lmao
the d***eating is crazy
I mean. Yeah. Dude is like in his late 40s/early 50s and 20 years into the post apocalypse.
You’re gonna look tired. You’re gonna look like s***.
okay. still looks worse though
the d***eating is crazy
How’s it d*** eating? That tweet was literally using edited pictures to compare the Remake and the Remaster. The f***? LMAO
I get preferring the design of the old faces or whatever but if you think the original looks better than the remake then you're lying or your eyes are f***ed
How’s it d*** eating? That tweet was literally using edited pictures to compare the Remake and the Remaster. The f***? LMAO
do you like the new faces better?
Wait why
Bro disregard I thought they was saying they were splitting the first game into two parts
Bro disregard I thought they was saying they were splitting the first game into two parts
I get preferring the design of the old faces or whatever but if you think the original looks better than the remake then you're lying or your eyes are f***ed
I get preferring the design of the old faces or whatever but if you think the original looks better than the remake then you're lying or your eyes are f***ed
This is so f***ing dumb
(Not the quote/idea, but using it in this context)
They’re so annoying. Why is everyone acting like this is just about the graphics? Even though they do look better as well. Hate twitter sometimes.
That school basement with the stalkers and the bloater gonna be brutal on next gen
They might add one or two of em more for the challenge
Scary as hell on og game alone
In depth break down of new visuals for all the delusional people saying the OG game looks better
Remake is vastly an improvement
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