it also has less content than both releases (no multiplayer)
Playing multiplayer on a TLOU title is moot
I agree with you tho
Y’all complaining but it’s still gonna sell like crazy cus gamers have no self control
Y’all whine but then don’t wanna miss out on the latest game of your favorite property so you buy it even if it’s s***ty (AKA Pokémon fans)
The only way these video game companies are gonna stop f***ing you over is to stop giving them your money
Playing multiplayer on a TLOU title is moot
I agree with you tho
not really, 50% of the games in the series have it and the other 50% was supposed to
it was genuinely good content
The price is wild but if thw gameplay and AI is on par with the 2nd it's a huge jump up. I genuinely thought the 2nd game had some of the best ai and gameplay interactions of any game ever
But fr who hasn’t played this by this point lmao
You'd be surprised. Tons of ppl. Hell, gta v is like the biggest selling thing ever and even tons of ppl never played that. Always room for new customers
The new official video looks amazing tho... I dont know what to trust
It's pretty simple really. It's all a matter of if you want to replay this game bad enough with spruced up visuals and some other enhancements. But if your looking for (the big improvements) to the gameplay to be overhauled using the sequels enhancements you will be disappointed. To my knowledge ND never explicitly stated that all the gameplay enhancements from TLOU 2 will be coming to this. I think the fans set themselves up for disappointment with that. I do think ND should have been a bit more transparent about it and priced it lower for sure though. Part 2 was designed around having stuff like the jump button or the dodge mechanic and the prone mechanics. Even the new fighting animations. Theres no way they were gonna add that stuff they would have to redesign large portions of the level design alone and this would have taken way longer than just 2 years lol. Me personally I might get it just to play this masterpiece over with amazing graphics but that's all I'm expecting and definitely not getting it at launch for 70 bucks.
Playing multiplayer on a TLOU title is moot
I agree with you tho
what? TLOU gameplay is great for multiplayer hence them taking their sweet ass time for Factions.
It's pretty simple really. It's all a matter of if you want to replay this game bad enough with spruced up visuals and some other enhancements. But if your looking for (the big improvements) to the gameplay to be overhauled using the sequels enhancements you will be disappointed. To my knowledge ND never explicitly stated that all the gameplay enhancements from TLOU 2 will be coming to this. I think the fans set themselves up for disappointment with that. I do think ND should have been a bit more transparent about it and priced it lower for sure though. Part 2 was designed around having stuff like the jump button or the dodge mechanic and the prone mechanics. Even the new fighting animations. Theres no way they were gonna add that stuff they would have to redesign large portions of the level design alone and this would have taken way longer than just 2 years lol. Me personally I might get it just to play this masterpiece over with amazing graphics but that's all I'm expecting and definitely not getting it at launch for 70 bucks.
I saw a thread on Twitter that was saying that it makes sense why this doesn’t have 2’s mechanics, as Joel is old as dirt and won’t be as agile and as nimble. Makes sense I guess but also just a cheap answer
I just don’t see the point of doing this game again if they didn’t wanna fully commit (besides money, but they really passionate about this franchise)
I just don’t see the point of doing this game again if they didn’t wanna fully commit (besides money, but they really passionate about this franchise)
Honestly I felt the same way you did, until this speed runner Anthony Caliber explained why it is needed. He agrees with everyone that the game is heavily overpriced, but the game has aged especially compared to it's sequel. The AI is broken to the point where you can break the script of the AI and just walk past them, the controls are sloppy, it doesn't have nearly as many accessibility options as the sequel, etc. Dude has played TLOU1 and TLOU2 to the point he's basically broken both games down and know the ins and outs and have a ton of records. It's way deeper than just updating the gameplay. I think people are hung up on the mechanics that they don't realize that other parts of the game didn't age well either and can be easily broken by just running or skipping a load zone. I think his video on it is a pretty good break down on why it kind of is needed.
It's pretty simple really. It's all a matter of if you want to replay this game bad enough with spruced up visuals and some other enhancements. But if your looking for (the big improvements) to the gameplay to be overhauled using the sequels enhancements you will be disappointed. To my knowledge ND never explicitly stated that all the gameplay enhancements from TLOU 2 will be coming to this. I think the fans set themselves up for disappointment with that. I do think ND should have been a bit more transparent about it and priced it lower for sure though. Part 2 was designed around having stuff like the jump button or the dodge mechanic and the prone mechanics. Even the new fighting animations. Theres no way they were gonna add that stuff they would have to redesign large portions of the level design alone and this would have taken way longer than just 2 years lol. Me personally I might get it just to play this masterpiece over with amazing graphics but that's all I'm expecting and definitely not getting it at launch for 70 bucks.
They're adding stuff from part 2 like explosive arrows(this wasn't in part 1). I don't think they're going to 1 to 1 the gameplay from part 2 into part 1, but on their blog post, they already have some features that was in part 2 that's being listed as new gameplay mechanics in the remake. So we can only assume that they're updating the other mechanics too. Like the peek mechanic being reacted to by the AI or AI actually noticing you on time as you run pass them.
Playing multiplayer on a TLOU title is moot
I agree with you tho
Bruh what?! tlou multiplayer was so good u sleeping
They literally making a whole standalone multiplayer title for it
Playing multiplayer on a TLOU title is moot
I agree with you tho
Multiplayer is the best part of tlou
I just don’t see the point of doing this game again if they didn’t wanna fully commit (besides money, but they really passionate about this franchise)
Man you looked at the video & came to the conclusion They haven’t fully committed because you cant go prone
Y’all complaining but it’s still gonna sell like crazy cus gamers have no self control
Y’all whine but then don’t wanna miss out on the latest game of your favorite property so you buy it even if it’s s***ty (AKA Pokémon fans)
The only way these video game companies are gonna stop f***ing you over is to stop giving them your money
You’re right cause while I’m complaining about no tlou2 gameplay and I think it should be $40
I’m buying day 1
Honestly I felt the same way you did, until this speed runner Anthony Caliber explained why it is needed. He agrees with everyone that the game is heavily overpriced, but the game has aged especially compared to it's sequel. The AI is broken to the point where you can break the script of the AI and just walk past them, the controls are sloppy, it doesn't have nearly as many accessibility options as the sequel, etc. Dude has played TLOU1 and TLOU2 to the point he's basically broken both games down and know the ins and outs and have a ton of records. It's way deeper than just updating the gameplay. I think people are hung up on the mechanics that they don't realize that other parts of the game didn't age well either and can be easily broken by just running or skipping a load zone. I think his video on it is a pretty good break down on why it kind of is needed.
! video!
I think the line is just so blurred these days of what a “remake” even is. Like if you were to take Final Fantasy VII Remake, Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes and Persona 5 Royal, they are all “technically” remakes but play by much different rules
Then there’s stuff like Shadow of the Colossus, which is more so a remaster if anything, god this s*** is dumb
All that being said, Part 1 visually is stunning. And the main draw being quality of life changes is a blessing to a classic game. I’m all for that, but anyone who is justifying that price is on some serious Copium
Good video!
I think the line is just so blurred these days of what a “remake” even is. Like if you were to take Final Fantasy VII Remake, Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes and Persona 5 Royal, they are all “technically” remakes but play by much different rules
Then there’s stuff like Shadow of the Colossus, which is more so a remaster if anything, god this s*** is dumb
All that being said, Part 1 visually is stunning. And the main draw being quality of life changes is a blessing to a classic game. I’m all for that, but anyone who is justifying that price is on some serious Copium
Of those 3 examples you gave I’d classify them as suck:
Ff7R: “reimagining”
Mgsts: remake (kinda as some things are different
P5R: expansion
Gamers need to learn the difference between these 3 + what a remaster is. Turns out. Most gamers are dumb.
I see people all over calling this just a remaster and that is very very far from the truth. Tons of work was put into this remake and it shows. Sad to see people comparing this to gta trilogy or some other remaster’s
Leaks looked ass.
Official video looks pretty good although still no official word on bringing TLOU2 gameplay mechanics to the original, which has me out on the $70 pricetag.
Will gladly pay $40 for this when it's on sale, as it does look like a substantial graphical and environmental improvement over even the PS4 remaster.
Interested to see if there are actually any changes to the amount/location of enemies in certain areas to make the combat and play style as fluid as TLOU2. That's a true quality of life improvement. The original is so easy to play through now if you know exactly what to do.
Leaks looked ass.
Official video looks pretty good although still no official word on bringing TLOU2 gameplay mechanics to the original, which has me out on the $70 pricetag.
Will gladly pay $40 for this when it's on sale, as it does look like a substantial graphical and environmental improvement over even the PS4 remaster.
Interested to see if there are actually any changes to the amount/location of enemies in certain areas to make the combat and play style as fluid as TLOU2. That's a true quality of life improvement. The original is so easy to play through now if you know exactly what to do.
The leaked video had hdr on so colors looked like s***. All the easy accessibility options on so the AI was trash. Gore turned off. And player played like s***
Of those 3 examples you gave I’d classify them as suck:
Ff7R: “reimagining”
Mgsts: remake (kinda as some things are different
P5R: expansion
Gamers need to learn the difference between these 3 + what a remaster is. Turns out. Most gamers are dumb.
I see people all over calling this just a remaster and that is very very far from the truth. Tons of work was put into this remake and it shows. Sad to see people comparing this to gta trilogy or some other remaster’s
You saying all this just proves my point though, there is no definition for remake anymore. All 3 games I listed have the qualities and characteristics of what most would consider a remake to have.
FF7R is a remake in a literal sense (I won’t get into spoilers but IYKYK)
Twin Snakes whole draw was to be more like MGS2 (which not exactly, but in a way, is similar to this situation with Part 1)
And while Royal was never marketed as a remake, quality of life changes, new mechanics, new characters and new story elements that completely re-contextualize the plot, would that not fall under what a remake kinda does? (The Resident Evil remakes do this too)