LOL its a remake so it can't really push it gameplay wise besides changing the AI which it is. Won't do much more than that. Metal Gear Solid 3 remake soon. Timesplitters remake would have been perfect for this Fall
Read the first sentence bro. Thats my whole point is that because of so much focus on remakes they’re not creating new s*** thats pushing the boundaries. Hopefully COVID is actually the real reason and new s*** will drop in the coming years. “New” as in not remade games
Like its a double edged sword, of course we wanna play our classics with updated visuals and gameplay tweaks but we want complete next-gen content as well
Read the first sentence bro. Thats my whole point is that because of so much focus on remakes they’re not creating new s*** thats pushing the boundaries. Hopefully COVID is actually the real reason and new s*** will drop in the coming years. “New” as in not remade games
Oh nah Sony just enjoying milking fans teets and it buys times for major studios to take their time to make games. Why in their case if they know their fanbase is too dumb or complacent to demand backwards compatibility with free upgrades like Xbox or PC would they not do remakes, remasters with no multiplayer? Thats easy money. Like yes clearly Naughty Dog put in work new animations and things but its guaranteed 70$ cash money
Then waiting to release the PC version later simply genius. Because there are some Last of Us fans who will be like "this my time to get a PS5 to start my console generation replaying this".
Both consoles got a lot of delayed games due to covid and working remote. I dont see either one catching full steam til late 2023. So they have to fill these gaps because third party is on same way GTA V upgrade, Creed on break, Call of duty on break after this game, Battlefield lol, Destiny 2 dlc, fortnite seasons, warzone new season
The risk of creating a new game in inflation, pandemic that lands with people especially in era of cd keys, streaming, waiting for a sale to buy and it Sony pushing single player games that dont stay alive forever or have evolving fanbases or microtransactions leads to s*** like this
Like its a double edged sword, of course we wanna play our classics with updated visuals and gameplay tweaks but we want complete next-gen content as well
The console never feels completely next gen in first 2 years. Developers always learning tech. Seeing how to best leverage it. Also I feel they always hold back some their first time on the console and save some for the second outing or at least updates
It’s coming to pc September 2?
LMFAO no its coming to pc "at a later date soon" dont expect it this year on pc
LMFAO no its coming to pc "at a later date soon" dont expect it this year on pc
Op needa change the title bruh
Op needa change the title bruh
OP works for Sony he is just doing his job
Like its a double edged sword, of course we wanna play our classics with updated visuals and gameplay tweaks but we want complete next-gen content as well
Luckily this game is taking nothing away from what naughty dog is developing. They still working on their new IP. Just was something for some extra devs who were doing nothing to do to work on ps5
Op needa change the title bruh
Luckily this game is taking nothing away from what naughty dog is developing. They still working on their new IP. Just was something for some extra devs who were doing nothing to do to work on ps5
Mans thought we were going to get games that feel entirely next gen in first two years. He needs to get him a pc
Mans thought we were going to get games that feel entirely next gen in first two years. He needs to get him a pc
Reviews coming out. Looks like it’s gonna review high 80’s
They saying this is THE WAY to play the last of us but reviews complaining about the price
Reviews coming out. Looks like it’s gonna review high 80’s
They saying this is THE WAY to play the last of us but reviews complaining about the price
These reviews confusing me. How ign saying this the way to play tlou1 and better in every way but give it a 9/10 instead of a 10/10 like they scored the original
Reviews coming out. Looks like it’s gonna review high 80’s
They saying this is THE WAY to play the last of us but reviews complaining about the price
The video we have all been waiting for
If this had remade multiplayer and added a new mode IT WOULD HAVE BEEN PERFECT I WILL NEVER FORGIVE THESE W****S
Sony direct deposit cleared
Not surprising. It’s the f***ing last of us. It was gonna be amazing / review high no matter what
If this had remade multiplayer and added a new mode IT WOULD HAVE BEEN PERFECT I WILL NEVER FORGIVE THESE W****S
Factions out soon
Who ITT called the high 80s MC score?
First time I’ve ever seen so many reviewers go at a game for the price sort Open critic by lowest. Every one’s quick summary says $70 too much
Mans thought we were going to get games that feel entirely next gen in first two years. He needs to get him a pc
Two games that still hold up, Infamous Second Son and MGS V, both came out within the first two years of the last console generation and thats just off the top of my head. Tf are you talking about lol