You got last of us 2 over mgs3?
I’m banning anyone who says yes
How is this? No way in hell I’m paying 70$ but I’m curious
For that price they could have at least brought multiplayer back
I’m banning anyone who says yes
LMFAO I thought I was just dusty the fact that people are saying yes is truly blowing my mind. Makes me feel old or out of touch because MGS3 isn't a Nostalgia thing. I am in shock but they truly believe it so I respect it I guess
How is this? No way in hell I’m paying 70$ but I’m curious
For that price they could have at least brought multiplayer back
we waiting on a sale lol. I would pay like 35-40 for this. The remake industry has gone nuts so I truly hope this gets low sales so they stop doing us like this
LMFAO I thought I was just dusty the fact that people are saying yes is truly blowing my mind. Makes me feel old or out of touch because MGS3 isn't a Nostalgia thing. I am in shock but they truly believe it so I respect it I guess
I might be dusty too with bias because MGS 3 is top 3 game I ever played in my life. Nothing will ever match my very first experience with this game as a teenager. I still play the HD remaster on my series X
we waiting on a sale lol. I would pay like 35-40 for this. The remake industry has gone nuts so I truly hope this gets low sales so they stop doing us like this
Definitely a 30$ cop for me at most. Of all the things that deserved a remake I can’t believe they did this
I might be dusty too with bias because MGS 3 is top 3 game I ever played in my life. Nothing will ever match my very first experience with this game as a teenager. I still play the HD remaster on my series X
Last of Us 2 may really be this generations MGS3 and thats unreal to me. I liked Last of Us and am playing Last of Us 2 right now narrative is cool will be cooler when I have a kid but nothing life changing for me personally. Like Joel and Ellie are cool but shrug its just not in my personal top gaming experiences ever
How is this? No way in hell I’m paying 70$ but I’m curious
For that price they could have at least brought multiplayer back
It’s an absolutely fantastic remake faithful to the original
Not worth $70 wait for a sale unless you’re a super fan. Black Friday should be around the $30 range
I played both so I care compare. Imo tlou2 tops it, but both are top 3 for me. Where mgs3 falls short (control wise, the gameplay is good but can be an ass to play / doesn’t play how you want it to) tlou2 rises. And both have fantastic stories
The boss battles and pacing of MGS3 puts it above Last of Us 1 for sure for me. Will see about 2 after I beat it.
The boss battles and pacing of MGS3 puts it above Last of Us 1 for sure for me. Will see about 2 after I beat it.
Boss battles for sure amazing in mgs3, nothing to compare in tlou2
Honestly just depends how much you like the narrative / gameplay loop. I understand anyone who puts mgs3 over it lol, I f***ing love the game, just imo the story in tlou2 better and the gameplay loops plays way better (as it should, it’s like 20 years older lol)
Boss battles for sure amazing in mgs3, nothing to compare in tlou2
Honestly just depends how much you like the narrative / gameplay loop. I understand anyone who puts mgs3 over it lol, I f***ing love the game, just imo the story in tlou2 better and the gameplay loops plays way better (as it should, it’s like 20 years older lol)
all true how you liking last of us 1 part 1 you think they will do the same with 2?
all true how you liking last of us 1 part 1 you think they will do the same with 2?
Lmfao I hope not! Now THATS a waste of resources
How is this? No way in hell I’m paying 70$ but I’m curious
For that price they could have at least brought multiplayer back
The factions MP with this new gameplay and detail to environments would’ve been amazing.
It’s an absolutely fantastic remake faithful to the original
Not worth $70 wait for a sale unless you’re a super fan. Black Friday should be around the $30 range
Def a 30$ cop for me. I loved the original ps3 version when it dropped. Like blew my mind loved it. Tried playing the ps4 port and I didn’t feel the same magic unfortunately. Def want to play this but i can’t see myself paying 70$ lol
The factions MP with this new gameplay and detail to environments would’ve been amazing.
It really blows me that they really just ditched the multiplayer aspect of this I personally liked it on ps3
The boss battles and pacing of MGS3 puts it above Last of Us 1 for sure for me. Will see about 2 after I beat it.
I will say that there is nothing on this earth that makes me more angry then the f***ing fury. Fight drives me nuts every play through lmaoo
It really blows me that they really just ditched the multiplayer aspect of this I personally liked it on ps3
Yeah I dont get why. Naughty dog MP seems underrated. Uncharted MP is pretty fun also.
It really blows me that they really just ditched the multiplayer aspect of this I personally liked it on ps3
The reason is their entire multiplayer team is working on factions. Seems unnessisary to have them port factions if the brand new one is gonna come out hopefully next year
Lmfao I hope not! Now THATS a waste of resources
I mean if people will buy it especially when ps5 pro drops . They will make it
The reason is their entire multiplayer team is working on factions. Seems unnessisary to have them port factions if the brand new one is gonna come out hopefully next year
“ hopefully “ next year is what’s getting people because factions is been supposed to have been out and all they’ve shown is concept art
I mean if people will buy it especially when ps5 pro drops . They will make it
Give me directors cut dlc + native ps5 capabilities
I’m not a graphics w**** whatsoever but this is still just consistently blowing my mind, once this gen hits its full stride we are gonna be so damn spoiled
Def a 30$ cop for me. I loved the original ps3 version when it dropped. Like blew my mind loved it. Tried playing the ps4 port and I didn’t feel the same magic unfortunately. Def want to play this but i can’t see myself paying 70$ lol
I actually got Last of Us 1 collectors edition at launch for PS3. Enjoyed it. At first didn't like the ending but was like "wow thats genius if they are brave enough to never return to Joel and Ellie again at least as playable characters so we have to live with that lie ". Then the prequel DLC I played a little and stopped but was glad it didn't touch on the ending. Then 2 rollout with the "is it Joel or his ghost playing guitar" Lmfao. 28 Days later was a good movie but
1. Last of Us 1
2. Last of Us 1 remastered
3. Last of Us part 1
4. Last of Us HBO
5. Last of Us 2
is like aight y'all milking it quite a bit
I’m not a graphics w**** whatsoever but this is still just consistently blowing my mind, once this gen hits its full stride we are gonna be so damn spoiled
2024-2025(if the world doesn't fall apart by then)