I’m sorry though, $70 is f***ing STUPID.
Classic Sony
If $70 included tlou2 dlc or something maybe I’d understand it lol
That said still gonna cop day 1
Classic Sony
Like, if this was an RE1 Remake tier situation that’s one thing, but this is like a $30 release, $40 at MOST.
Think of it on the steam deck
Think of the gamer rage if they make the doctor Abby’s dad
Watch this end up being the only worthwhile announcement coming out today
Kojima Coming soon
Watch this end up being the only worthwhile announcement coming out today
Will cry real tears if no Ragnarok update
Preorder link doesn’t work for me. Anyone know what’s in the firefly edition?
Steelbook, comics, and early in game unlocks
Steelbook, comics, and early in game unlocks
Thank you! Does the link work for you? Maybe I have to sign in.
Thank you! Does the link work for you? Maybe I have to sign in.
Nah they took it down. Leaked too early. Should be up in about 2 hours. Being announced today at summer games fest
Kinda wish the steelbook wasn't black and white though
I like the colors on the cover of the standard version
Il never understand people buying remasters for full price especially when the og doesnt feel outdated
Il never understand people buying remasters for full price especially when the og doesnt feel outdated
The og does feel outdated though compared to tlou2. Night and day difference