It wasn’t bad, it was entertaining but it didn’t make any f***ing sense bro, the show jumped the shark with that episode
It makes plenty of sense. The show challenges science/spirituality/religion/belief. International Assassin checks all those boxes in regards to challenging the viewer. Purgatory? Life Flashing before Kevin’s eyes? The waiting room to the afterlife? It’s all a great argument. The episode is great.
I liked season 2 but the final episodes were ridiculous, International Assassin and the finale didn’t make sense.
Maybe watch some a***ysis on YouTube about those episodes, there might be a lot you are missing when it comes to the meaning of those episodes
It wasn’t bad, it was entertaining but it didn’t make any f***ing sense bro, the show jumped the shark with that episode
If you think that episode was them jumping the shark you might as well dip out now.
what episode you on?
I cannot believe I'm seeing one of the best seasons of TV of ALL TIME, if not the BEST being slandered ITT KTT2 we got work 2 do..
I liked season 2 but the final episodes were ridiculous, International Assassin and the finale didn’t make sense.
Worst take I think I've seen in my life
I cannot believe I'm seeing one of the best seasons of TV of ALL TIME, if not the BEST being slandered ITT KTT2 we got work 2 do..
Brother really called one of the best pieces of episodic television 'jumping the shark'
SS3 is all time great
starting season 2 and the cast changed? 🤨
edit: nvm
just bare with it, s2 is some goat level s*** despite feeling like an entirely different show.
i believe S1 was based on the book and then 2/3 was Lindelof getting to just go full Lindelof without adapting any source material
s2 finale still one of the best episodes I've seen of any TV show ever
“I killed you”
never heard of this show and seeing nothing but goat level praise itt
guessing I should peep this
never heard of this show and seeing nothing but goat level praise itt
guessing I should peep this
It’s a shame it went under the radar
Goat show
I still don’t know if I liked the show or not. To me, it was full of corny moments with lots of unsubtle symbolism but I like the fact that it’s honest, it doesn’t fear sentimentalism and it never tries to be cynical. There’s always a glimpse of hope.
I still don’t know if I liked the show or not. To me, it was full of corny moments with lots of unsubtle symbolism but I like the fact that it’s honest, it doesn’t fear sentimentalism and it never tries to be cynical. There’s always a glimpse of hope.