Went in to this show thinking it would be some s*** about spicing up some leftovers on some cooking s*** and was blown away
Been meaning to start this for a minute. Was always intruiged by the concept. How good is this s*** overall?
Been meaning to start this for a minute. Was always intruiged by the concept. How good is this s*** overall?
the greatest show of all time
i hope he says nora lied because she did
done with s2, this show is phenomenal
So lucky. First watch of every season was so amazing
So lucky. First watch of every season was so amazing
it is honestly insane how lindelof builds each season to their respective climaxes, the foreshadowing and subtle hints are too good. megs character was redeemed in the span of one episode, which is just crazy to me
never watched S3, show went too over the top on S2
S1 is goated tho
Edit: S2 had its moments too but I didn’t f*** with all that supernatural s***