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    S01EP6 WTF was that intro


  • Just finished it last night… good lord. Will definitely be rewatching it down the road.

    F***ing all timer. Also the guilty remnant culdesac from season 1 is a mile from my house, gonna check it out later. And the high school where Jill was playing field hockey in the pilot episode is my neighboring town. Hilarious

    Lots of filming near me. Devon’s house in severance is one block over from mine in this crazy neighborhood called Usonia designed by Frank Lloyd wright

    Gonna read this thread now bc my mind is reeling from all these unanswered questions

  • Danny


    I ended season 1, gotta start szn 2 soon

  • springsteen

    Just finished it last night… good lord. Will definitely be rewatching it down the road.

    F***ing all timer. Also the guilty remnant culdesac from season 1 is a mile from my house, gonna check it out later. And the high school where Jill was playing field hockey in the pilot episode is my neighboring town. Hilarious

    Lots of filming near me. Devon’s house in severance is one block over from mine in this crazy neighborhood called Usonia designed by Frank Lloyd wright

    Gonna read this thread now bc my mind is reeling from all these unanswered questions

    Bruce I am so glad to hear you loved this. Favorite episode!? Favorite character??

  • its been long enough

    2nd watch starts tonight