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  • Jun 22, 2020
    2 replies

    Conservatives: "Look at all these butthurt liberals crying about wanting rights for minorities and being hurt by my racist bullshit. Back in my day, we used to lynch black people in the trees and everyone was ok with it!"

    Also conservatives: "My racist s*** online got deleted by a mod! T-t-t-t-t-t-tt-his is TYRANNY! I HAVE NO VOICE! insert butthurt babble "

  • Jun 22, 2020
    1 reply

    Because I have made similar threads countless times before and knew what to expect.

    Even the most harmless gun thread gets s***ted on.

    So your problem is that you hold a minority opinion on an Internet forum?

    There are two very sensible, rational options for a grown man to take here.

    1. Acknowledge the general consensus on this forum, and if you seek to post on certain topics where you know you are clearly in the minority, keep that in mind.

    2. You know, just don’t post on here? If the views are that conflicting on something I feel passionate about I certainly wouldn’t spend my time on it.

    For instance, I wouldn’t go sit on a Taylor Swift forum (assuming one exists) and bemoan the fact the majority disagree with me when I say Kanye West is the best artist alive.

    Simple solutions to very simple problems, brother.

  • Misery

    Never did I say I wanted a gun battle you're protecting.

    I clearly said I don't want to hurt or kill anyone, but if God forbid I have no other choice I'll be prepared.

    Taking a life, even that of someone who attempted to take your own will haunt you for life.

    I don't want to go through that but at th4 same time being alive beats being dead or permanently injured

    You can say you don't wanna shoot anybody as much as you want but nobody that read your thread thinks that

  • Never posting agai

    You're thread got closed bc you talk like a freak whose torqued up to shoot his neighbor.

    yoooooooooooo lmfAOOO

  • Jun 22, 2020

    Lmaoooooooo the conservative snowflakes are shook again lol

    We about to have the conservatives pissing their pants and praying to Jesus when they hear the sound of 40 Antifa boots clicking up their driveway at 3 am.

  • Jun 22, 2020

    Yes u are the victim in everything you encounter in life I hope someone starts a gofundme for u

    Can pay for your legal costs when u sue KTT users for emotional distress

  • Jun 22, 2020

    Thought this said “The liberal t***** of KTT”

  • Jun 22, 2020

    Trump got that dump

  • Jun 22, 2020
    1 reply

    Conservatives: "Look at all these butthurt liberals crying about wanting rights for minorities and being hurt by my racist bullshit. Back in my day, we used to lynch black people in the trees and everyone was ok with it!"

    Also conservatives: "My racist s*** online got deleted by a mod! T-t-t-t-t-t-tt-his is TYRANNY! I HAVE NO VOICE! insert butthurt babble "

    Liberals are not white saviors that care about minorities rights

    And when did OP make racist remarks in his thread ?

  • Jun 22, 2020

    Conservatives: "Look at all these butthurt liberals crying about wanting rights for minorities and being hurt by my racist bullshit. Back in my day, we used to lynch black people in the trees and everyone was ok with it!"

    Also conservatives: "My racist s*** online got deleted by a mod! T-t-t-t-t-t-tt-his is TYRANNY! I HAVE NO VOICE! insert butthurt babble "

    When did I say anything race related?

  • screaming rn
    @Vile @Smoofer thank you for the laughs

  • Jun 22, 2020

    Liberals are not white saviors that care about minorities rights

    And when did OP make racist remarks in his thread ?

    1. I never said anything positive about liberals. Just pointed out a clear hypocrisy in the butthurt of conservatives saying libs are butthurt.

    2. I was just memeing conservatives. I don't give a f*** about what trash ass opinions OP gotta share

  • Jun 22, 2020

    Just came in to laugh at a conservative feeling silenced

  • Jun 22, 2020
    2 replies

    So your problem is that you hold a minority opinion on an Internet forum?

    There are two very sensible, rational options for a grown man to take here.

    1. Acknowledge the general consensus on this forum, and if you seek to post on certain topics where you know you are clearly in the minority, keep that in mind.

    2. You know, just don’t post on here? If the views are that conflicting on something I feel passionate about I certainly wouldn’t spend my time on it.

    For instance, I wouldn’t go sit on a Taylor Swift forum (assuming one exists) and bemoan the fact the majority disagree with me when I say Kanye West is the best artist alive.

    Simple solutions to very simple problems, brother.

    I'll speak how I'll please, imagine if blacks did that during the civil rights era.

    "We're in the minority, so we have to watch what we say and how we act"

    Yeah right, you're basically saying I can't have a voice.

  • Jun 22, 2020
    1 reply

    This title is an oxymoron

  • Jun 22, 2020

    I'll speak how I'll please, imagine if blacks did that during the civil rights era.

    "We're in the minority, so we have to watch what we say and how we act"

    Yeah right, you're basically saying I can't have a voice.

    Your locked thread (the reasons for which you don’t even know) on KTT is absolutely a***ogous to the Civil Rights movement.

    One day you will be remembered as a hero of internet users everywhere

  • Jun 22, 2020

    The fact it got locked 180 posts in means it was prob less about the topic and more about the nature of the discussion.

    Arm the proles btw.

  • Jun 22, 2020
    1 reply

    This title is an oxymoron

    The US are tyrants on a global scale. Read more.

  • Jun 22, 2020
    2 replies

    Stupid humans and your little conflicts

  • Jun 22, 2020
    Veridis Quo
    · edited

    Stupid humans and your little conflicts

  • Jun 22, 2020

    And yet u always see mfs cryin about "liberals"

  • Jun 22, 2020
    1 reply
    Veridis Quo
    · edited

    Stupid humans and your little conflicts


  • Jun 22, 2020
    1 reply

    conservative viewpoints =
    I'm white and I s*** on every minority every chance I get

  • Jun 22, 2020

    Anyway point proven

  • Jun 22, 2020
    dat guy

    conservative viewpoints =
    I'm white and I s*** on every minority every chance I get

    The only conservative viewpoint I have is gun rights

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