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  • May 18, 2023
    2 replies

    op is right but the libs crying to lock the thread instead of engaging with it

    RFK 2024 🇺🇸

  • May 18, 2023

    op is right but the libs crying to lock the thread instead of engaging with it

    RFK 2024 🇺🇸

  • May 18, 2023
    2 replies

    That poll is absolutely insane though. It’s crazy how delusional this country is rn

  • May 18, 2023

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply
    Huge bmass Fan

    That poll is absolutely insane though. It’s crazy how delusional this country is rn

    that’s what i’m saying, s*** got me thinking that if people took the liberals more serious s*** wouldn’t be such a joke

    i’m still waiting on promises to be delivered

    and where’s our health care, gun regulation, updated social programs, student loan forgiveness, anything??

  • May 18, 2023

    "Liberals" will never move to the left. They won't be liberals anymore.

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply
    hot pancakes

    that’s what i’m saying, s*** got me thinking that if people took the liberals more serious s*** wouldn’t be such a joke

    i’m still waiting on promises to be delivered

    and where’s our health care, gun regulation, updated social programs, student loan forgiveness, anything??

    Yeah, I mean the left has been doing a massive disservice to itself for years by fighting purely reactionary issues. I get what you’re saying. If they focused on issues that were important to people as whole (rather than a side) like what you’re mentioning, you wouldn’t have this massive reactionary movement on the right.

  • May 18, 2023
    hot pancakes

    nah not becoming crazier just actually do something for once

    get the people some health care, work harder to block republicans from doing stupid s*** like banning abortion

    like i get the republicans has the numbers to pass it, but you think the liberals would use some of their donations to actually campaign and spread awareness

    Nah I agree, but your OP didn’t really push this same point. I see you clarified.

    Unfortunately the game is rigged and it’s way easier to rig it more and burn the whole thing down than fix it and displace the ruling class. Progress takes effort and this country as a whole isn’t up for it.

  • May 18, 2023
    hot pancakes

    man back in the day, at least republicans had to be less demon-like (they probably still were but couldn’t outright show it)

    now as a result of modern liberalism they feel more comfortable to show out more than ever

    Gangs of white teenagers were still going out and looking for random black people they could and would beat to death in the late 80s, in the “liberal bubble” of New York. The only thing that’s ever changed on the right is the vocabulary and caliber of their weapons

  • May 18, 2023

    I see what you saying OP but also a chunk of the reason why some s*** is the way it is is just the fact that Trump was a useful idiot.

    The Republican party in my opinion used Trump as a way to mainstream radical ideas they couldn't say themselves, so he was the crash test dummy that they would disavow in public, but co-sign in secret.

  • The libs are so soft man

    Our country is never going to make any progress until everyone is replaced by further left politicians

  • May 18, 2023

    op is right but the libs crying to lock the thread instead of engaging with it

    RFK 2024 🇺🇸

  • May 18, 2023
    2 replies
    Huge bmass Fan

    Yeah, I mean the left has been doing a massive disservice to itself for years by fighting purely reactionary issues. I get what you’re saying. If they focused on issues that were important to people as whole (rather than a side) like what you’re mentioning, you wouldn’t have this massive reactionary movement on the right.

    I disagree that it’s the main reason tbh, what do you mean by purely reactionary issues anyways? Like trans rights or pronouns?

    Dems have stances on gun control but alot of conservatives truly believe the dems want to take away all guns. No amount of words can get thru to someone who sees the other party as that

    And issues like Defund the Police/Abolish are already hard to get behind a definitive slogan so you get in-fighting and people getting confused

    Even dems or leftists in general can’t really come to a common sentiment on how they wanted to address it in 2020. Many Dems like Biden only want small reforms if anything while you had some wanting it abolished completely.

  • afterimage

    I disagree that it’s the main reason tbh, what do you mean by purely reactionary issues anyways? Like trans rights or pronouns?

    Dems have stances on gun control but alot of conservatives truly believe the dems want to take away all guns. No amount of words can get thru to someone who sees the other party as that

    And issues like Defund the Police/Abolish are already hard to get behind a definitive slogan so you get in-fighting and people getting confused

    Even dems or leftists in general can’t really come to a common sentiment on how they wanted to address it in 2020. Many Dems like Biden only want small reforms if anything while you had some wanting it abolished completely.

    My guess as for what the "reactionary issues" is would be all the debates about drag queens lately

  • May 18, 2023

    I disagree that it’s the main reason tbh, what do you mean by purely reactionary issues anyways? Like trans rights or pronouns?

    Dems have stances on gun control but alot of conservatives truly believe the dems want to take away all guns. No amount of words can get thru to someone who sees the other party as that

    And issues like Defund the Police/Abolish are already hard to get behind a definitive slogan so you get in-fighting and people getting confused

    Even dems or leftists in general can’t really come to a common sentiment on how they wanted to address it in 2020. Many Dems like Biden only want small reforms if anything while you had some wanting it abolished completely.

    I just mean bringing less controversial issues to the forefront in general in order to attain power and then focus on solving the controversial issues once power is attained.

    Run on a platform of healthcare, job security, better roads and transportation, education, whatever cause those things are very difficult for the right to win a lot of support against.

    Making guns a main issue, even though it is important, is not a great way to win imo. All of those things can be done after power is attained instead of being run on.

  • May 18, 2023
    Huge bmass Fan

    That poll is absolutely insane though. It’s crazy how delusional this country is rn

    Nah fr, look at what they prefer their candidates to have s*** is a joke

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