  • Apr 5, 2023

    twilight very much a thing with teen girls nowadays tbh, massive resurgence after they got put back on Netflix

    dudes talking about “staying power” blah blah blah well twilight more beloved than your fave

    I never watched any of the films but I do remember how huge they were and the amount of hate they used to get

    I was happy to see both Kristen Stewart & Rob Patt prove their acting chops in recent years tho

  • Apr 5, 2023

    In f*** them stupid ass movies

  • Apr 5, 2023
    Smoking Rules

    They blow

  • Apr 5, 2023
    1 reply

    Opening a thread that's dedicated to pure hating is crazy


    Opening a thread that's dedicated to pure hating is crazy

  • 2piece

    Marvel comics..

    nah dude there are periods of marvel that are all pretty much universally reviled. in fact the last 10 years have been some of the most hated in the company’s history

  • Apr 5, 2023
    1 reply

    ironically, the hate for mcu somehow fits common criticism of mcu; its very bland and doesn't say much about anything

  • Apr 5, 2023

    still no Kingpin Spiderman
    no real plan with Sony it appears

    s*** just all over and not even a fan like that but would prefer it wraps up on a high then drags it out 15 more years.

    8-10 year plan max wrap it up

    same way I hope DC Gunnverse only goes so long

    But what makes money makes money

    they’re probably gonna hard reboot with secret wars and center the universe around tom holland (if he’ll stick around)

  • Apr 5, 2023

    just like anything else, people have preferences. you don't have to like something just cause many others do. mcu just isn't for me. not a fan of fantasy sci-fi s***

  • Apr 5, 2023
    Mac Wit Da Cheese

    MCU put themselves in the position of you have to watch every movie to understand the full story and that’s a big commitment for those who aren’t interested in that

    Especially with how inconsistent they’ve been recently

    perfect explanation from the GOAT

  • Apr 5, 2023

    Sticky this thread tbh

  • Apr 5, 2023
    1 reply

    seeing a marvel movie in theaters is something I will never do again

    People cheering when characters / actors just showed up on screen got me tight. It just feels like the story is an after thought and all (the people I was in the theater with) wanted was to see their favorite mcdonald's toys fighting

  • Apr 5, 2023
    1 reply

    but im going to the mario movie tonight and will undoubtedly be happy when I catch references to things I know so who am I to judge

  • Apr 5, 2023

    i would be lying if the 12 year old in me didn’t say that they wanted to see a scene where wolverine spider-man and the thing all play poker together, but at this point there’s very little of what makes marvel “marvel” in these movies anymore. the marvel comics of the 2000’s were weird as f*** and had long critiques of george bush in them. there’s a comic where the red guardian makes a shield out of wood, bones, and human skin. like…the fact that civil war didn’t have wolverine going on tv and threatening to kill the president os such a missed opportunity. idk, just seems like a run where people continually miss the point of the comics they adapt and tone down any of the actual nerdy kind of weirdness that i fell in love with as a kid. weird thing is, is that if they actually added any of that moral ambiguity etc they’d probably regain a bunch of interest but i think it’s clear they’re just gonna crash the ship and ask what happened later

  • Apr 5, 2023
    1 reply

    it’s not that i hate the franchise, it’s just becoming exhausting af. it feels like homework watching the movies and TVs just so i can understand some of the plot. and to be frank, i could give a f*** about any of these characters (besides Kang and Spider-man ofc), i’m just waiting for MCU’s take on F4 and X-Men…i feel like they know the stakes are high on those IPs

  • Apr 5, 2023

    Over saturated with annual releases
    I understand they’re still very marketable from a business perspective but as a consumer I’m sick of seeing ads for the new Marvel movie nonstop every 6 months

  • Apr 5, 2023
    1 reply
    Sir Swagalot

    it’s not that i hate the franchise, it’s just becoming exhausting af. it feels like homework watching the movies and TVs just so i can understand some of the plot. and to be frank, i could give a f*** about any of these characters (besides Kang and Spider-man ofc), i’m just waiting for MCU’s take on F4 and X-Men…i feel like they know the stakes are high on those IPs

    they really had a golden opportunity to sustain interest by cycling the teams the mcu focuses on, but they just can’t let the avengers go. like after endgame they should’ve just made the next one fantastic four, and we see them rise in the same deliberate pace the avengers did. it would’ve soft rebooted the franchise and you could still have ransom cameos from older fan favorite characters

  • Apr 5, 2023

    i wonder if this is how people felt about westerns and s*** in the 50s

  • Apr 5, 2023

    Idk I can’t take anything seriously if there is superhero’s involved

  • Apr 5, 2023


  • Apr 5, 2023
    1 reply

    oh wait u actually wanted an explanation

    i can boil it down to four main points

    • bland stories
    • lame humour
    • ugly visual effects and lack of distinction between films
    • oversaturation
  • Apr 5, 2023

    they suck ass

  • Apr 5, 2023

    there’s no artistic merit and technically-wise they’re headache inducing

  • Apr 5, 2023
    1 reply
    Mark Moschino

    they really had a golden opportunity to sustain interest by cycling the teams the mcu focuses on, but they just can’t let the avengers go. like after endgame they should’ve just made the next one fantastic four, and we see them rise in the same deliberate pace the avengers did. it would’ve soft rebooted the franchise and you could still have ransom cameos from older fan favorite characters

    i’m a firm believer in the fact that Disney should’ve taken a hiatus right after Endgame. at that point, we had been invested in the movies for 10 years and it felt like a fitting conclusion to that chapter of the MCU

    i agree with you 100% though. marvel is not just the avengers

  • Apr 5, 2023

    I’m not even someone who like hates superhero movies (I like into the spider verse & the Batman) but especially the newest movies are just totally creative bankrupt
