  • Apr 6, 2023

    I didn't even know there was an OP keeping it a buck. I just came to be myself

    Yep cause you can’t read

  • Apr 6, 2023
    1 reply

    Yes. Marvel easily brings in the most money for theaters and it was a scare during Covid that theaters would die. What’s confusing? You’re so f***in dumb man lmao.

    Ay man respect rooster

  • Apr 6, 2023
    2 replies

    Ay man respect rooster

    no f*** rooster

  • Don't forget most of y'all losers were stanning marvel movies as recently as 3 years ago. Nobody truly thinks y'all have changed. Just riding the "oh superhero fatigue", "marvel is falling off" wave. Same s*** y'all been doin. Wave riding. When marvel was cool y'all were sitting firm on it. Now that public opinion has shifted it's mirrors in here.

    Marvel BEEN fell off bk in 2017

  • NobodyWins

    no f*** rooster

  • Apr 6, 2023
    1 reply

    Yes. Marvel easily brings in the most money for theaters and it was a scare during Covid that theaters would die. What’s confusing? You’re so f***in dumb man lmao.

    Imagine TRULY believing this. It's like you were in a coma for 2 years

  • Apr 6, 2023
    1 reply

    no f*** rooster

    Cry about it you have s*** opinions and your latest literally makes no sense lol. Just do better

  • Apr 6, 2023

    Imagine TRULY believing this. It's like you were in a coma for 2 years


  • Apr 6, 2023
    1 reply

    Cry about it you have s*** opinions and your latest literally makes no sense lol. Just do better

    All I ever see is you arguing with people lol. Maybe look in the mirror bro and learn how to read.

  • Apr 6, 2023
    1 reply

    I swear this whole forums love obsession with marvel died the moment ppl started s***ting on endgame before eternals came out. Late as f*** but it is what it is. Now it's like all your passion has just died. You're equivalent to a 47 year old man losing his testosterone but it was by choice.

  • Apr 6, 2023
    1 reply

    All I ever see is you arguing with people lol. Maybe look in the mirror bro and learn how to read.

    "aLl I EveR sEe iS YoU arGuinG wITh pPl"
    Mf if I can't read then you can't see. We are both some disabled bros

  • Apr 6, 2023
    1 reply

    OP the hate thread is lackluster. This feels like a old folks home meeting where they complain that the font is too tiny on certain labels. No fire, no passion

  • Apr 6, 2023
    1 reply

    "aLl I EveR sEe iS YoU arGuinG wITh pPl"
    Mf if I can't read then you can't see. We are both some disabled bros

    Nah you’re definitely arguing with people at least one time in every thread you visit. You can’t help that you’re toxic it’s okay.

  • Apr 6, 2023
    1 reply

    Nah you’re definitely arguing with people at least one time in every thread you visit. You can’t help that you’re toxic it’s okay.

    What a crappy stalker to have. You talk s*** and follow me around but have zero idea of how I engage

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Apr 6, 2023
    1 reply

    We hate on MCU but then you look at dc and realize they are going back to back to back with S***zham, Blue S***tle, and The Flush

  • Apr 6, 2023
    1 reply

    What a crappy stalker to have. You talk s*** and follow me around but have zero idea of how I engage

    I don’t follow you

  • Apr 6, 2023

    dumbass forgot he replied to me

  • Apr 6, 2023

    We hate on MCU but then you look at dc and realize they are going back to back to back with S***zham, Blue S***tle, and The Flush

    Mid, good, classic

  • Apr 6, 2023

    mf's o*****ing in theaters from marvel movies

  • NobodyWins

    I don’t follow you

    "follow me AROUND"
    those "can't read" claims were projection the whole time.

  • Apr 6, 2023

    “ no real explanation “ get a girlfriend and gaslight her . We are not doing this with you


  • Apr 6, 2023
    Mac Wit Da Cheese

    It’s funny how you can go under a Twitter thread for any movie now a days and someone will be in there like “better than any of the MCU”

    Crazy how far we’ve come but fans are always “what have you done for me lately” type

    Which is crazy to see cause they were the same ones sucking d***

  • Apr 6, 2023
    Smoking Rules

    Fellas want interconnected movies but can’t even interconnect with some hoes make it make sense dear lord

